~Clone Project: O.P (Optimus Prime)~

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Takes place in a sort of cross-verse between Transformers Prime and Bayverse. I don't know what I was doing when I typed this out, but screw it, I shall post it here for the sake of posting.


Data Entry No.1
Project No.1

Clone Project: O.P (Optimus Prime)

Project should be finished by [REDACTED] on [REDACTED], before Quintessa sends Cybertron to earth, and After Optimus Prime returns, only one opening and a single shot can be made, make it count.

The trap is simple, nearly 3,000 'clones' of the Autobot Leader, Optimus Prime, will be placed inside one of many holding containment bases, hard titanium doors, cameras almost everywhere, the basics. 
Optimus Prime should make contact with the holding containment base via a distress signal. If he does respond, he will be groundbridged to the location or will drive there himself. Once he enters, the back titanium doors, front titanium doors, and any other escape route will be shut tight, and then we can watch the magic happen.

Turn on Clone Project: O.P, which will be situated all around the facility, each clone will turn on quickly, one by one, sadly. If the doors are not shut and locked tight behind him, then make every immediate clone that comes online stop him from escaping, we have a chance with the amount of clones there are so far. He will be outnumbered to a literal 2,652 to 1, and once subdued, he will be taken and used for whatever Clone Project: O.P wishes, which has some questionable data on their processor scans.

One fatal flaw remains: Signs show that all 2,652 parts of the Project show signs of sexual tension, anger spasms, struggles to stay online at some moments, minor dizziness, and may be hesitant to take on any action against the Prime. It has become a great fear that someone messed up the programming, where CodeInput_TERMINATE_OptimusPrime.[REDACTED] was, is now [REDACTED].Exe, which is of great concern to us. Further testing may be in order, but time is scarce. Recent studies have also shown that they all seem to be a separate entity to each other, thinking on their own, having their own thoughts, radio waves, speech, and signals from processor to limb, studies also show that they also show minor signs of sadness, depression, doubt, happiness, hunger, thirst, confusion, and understanding of speech and sound. This is of great concern to us. Further studies are in order.

If anything does go wrong, there is a fail safe switch located in [REDACTED] In facility [REDACTED], guards will be situated outside the room with a code locked door passed them, made from titanium and steel, give them the go-ahead to flip the switch if something even remotely goes wrong. New Projects will be in the works across the planet at [REDACTED] and currently one of these projects is Project: E.O.P, taken some clones from Project: O.P to create some form of super soldier to fight Prime if he was ever to escape.

Data Entry End.
Last updated: 0012 Hours ago

((Might make a whole story on this. Depends. :/ ))

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