~ Chosen... Part 1~

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This was inspired by https://www.deviantart.com/miklche04/art/Chosen-323296458
And a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OseV4sExUc0

^^^ Both the Video and Picture are above ^^^

The person who created it is https://www.deviantart.com/miklche04

Jack Darby ((Hasbro))
Miko Nakadai ((Hasbro))
Rafael Esquivel ((Hasbro))
Optimus Prime ((Hasbro))
Arcee ((Hasbro))
Void Singer ((Unknown OC of Mine))

I decided to make a Crossover with FNAF, TFP, and SUBNAUTICA. FNAF is the song, TFP is the whole main plot of this, and SUBNAUTICA is the Unknown OC of mine, or "Void Singer".

Anyways, here's the story.


Jack Darby, a young teenager in Jasper Nevada, never thought he'd see the ocean in his life. Why? He was usually surrounded by vast, brown... nothingness. He always had seen the same brown rocks, dirt, sand, and very few plants. He always wondered what the ocean was like, swimming through it, seeing the creatures up close in its depths... That was why he was down in the dumps when Arcee came and picked him up, when he hopped onto her alt and they took off, why he brushed off her question as to what was wrong with a quiet "It's nothing", why he simply hopped off Cee silently and walked to the humans area of the Base and just sat down, staying quiet. "What's up with him?" Miko asked, placing a hand on her hip as she looked at Arcee for an answer, but she just shrugged. "I don't know. He was quiet for the entire ride, and when I asked him what was up, he just answered 'It's nothing' and went silent again." Raf walked over, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I think I know why. Jack has been down for a while now, because he hates Jasper. It's dull, quiet, and boring, and he loves the ocean, even though he has never seen it in person. The Ocean is miles and miles away, too far for them to drive to, and flying is super expensive." Raf explained to the two, unaware that Optimus had heard it, and began to ponder on the subject. "What is the ocean like?" Arcee asked, tilting her helm and raising her optic ridges a little. "It's a beautiful, vast body of water, and beneath its waves are beautiful forms of life, those being water breathers. Some animals that thrive in the ocean have to breath air every now and then, like Dolphins and Whales, then there's coral, which thrives on the ocean floor. It survives underwater and can help smaller fish hide in it from bigger predators, and a species called the Clownfish can hide in it and spawn its eggs there. The-" "We've heard enough, nerd!" Miko joked, cutting Raf off. "Miko!" Arcee snapped, Miko looked up at her. "What?" Optimus walked over to the humans area, and saw Jack, holding his head in his hands, Optimus knelt down to Jack's level in worry.

"Jack, are you alright?" Jack jumped slightly, looking up. "Oh, hey Optimus. No, I'm not alright." Jack looked away. "...Jack, do you want to see the ocean?" Optimus questioned, making Jack's eyes widen. "Y-yes, why?" "I could bring you there, if you want." Jack looked a little shocked, then looked away. "I don't want to be a burden, Optimus. You don't have to..." "It would be no burden to me, Jack, I only wish to make you happy." He said, placing his servo on the Teenagers back gently, Jack sighed and looked up at him. "Can we... Can we go to the ocean... Right now? Please?" Optimus smiled and nodded. "Of course, Jack." He smiled. "Thanks."

This Timeskip is brought to you by Poseidon!

Jack stood on the beach, standing next to Optimus' alt, the waves gently crashing against the shore. It had only been fifteen minutes and Jack already was happy. They had groundbridge to the location, a remote beach near the deepest depths of the ocean, where some life had yet to be discovered. Optimus smiled mentally, Jack's happiness made him happy, he was like a son to him, and seeing him so down, so silent, worried him greatly. Something caught Jack's eye in the ocean, and he looked over to it, a object on a rock in the shallows. Jack approached the shoreline, wondering if he could get a closer look without getting taken under by the waves, Optimus watched closely, wondering what the boy was seeing. Jack sighed, and suddenly jumped into the water, intrigued to find out what that was, Optimus nearly yelped in shock and swiftly drove to the shoreline, but saw Jack had surfaced and was swimming to the rock where that shiny object had been seen. "Jack, be careful!" Optimus called, worried greatly, but Jack seemed to know what he was doing, and soon enough grabbed the object, and swam back. Once on shore, Optimus transformed, kneeling down to Jack, and was about to scold him for just jumping into Shallow waters like that, but stopped when he noticed what Jack was holding.

It seemed like a Magnum, a little handheld pistol, but it wasn't... normal. It was shifting ever so slowly, small panels of metal sliding over each other. It looked almost alien-like, actual, it was to them. The Barrel of the gun was glowing, but it wasn't glowing any bright colors, but a deep, void like black. Jack, whilst dripping cold water, held it in amazement. Optimus handed Jack a towel to dry him off, and took this little Alien Magnum. It shifted almost... aggressively upon his touch. Jack spoke up as he dried himself off. "It did the same thing when I approached the rock..." Optimus watched it shift in his palm, before finally calming down, and shifting at a normal pace again. Jack took it back and held it, finger on the trigger. "Have you ever shot a gun before, Jack?" "No..." He aimed at the ocean waves. "But I know how to hold one." He then pulled the trigger, but nothing happened at first. Then, the end of the barrel had a sort of... black orb began to form and grow bigger, it soon was slightly bigger then the actual barrel of the gun, it had waves of black flying off it and then falling back onto it, sort of like the sun. It then fired upon Jack letting go of the trigger, and this black ball shot off, making the gun sort of kick back. It skimmed over the waves, causing the water to ripple the closer it got, and then hit the water. It exploded upon contact, causing Jack to jump, and Optimus to hold his servo over Jack. The Water rippled, and then calmed after a bit. Jack looked at the Magnum in his hands afterwards. "What even is this...?" "It is not of Cybertronian origin, it's too small, even for a Minicon, and no weapon just summons orbs of unknown energy of ours." Optimus then noticed a little bit of writing carved into the underside of the gun. Jack noticed it too, and flipped it over for a better look. It was a bunch of tiny symbols, but made out many patterns, that made letters, that seemed to spell out:

"The Void Caller"

Optimus seemed to shiver upon reading that. He just felt off about the name. Jack Felt a sudden rush of anxiety and fear over him, and held Optimus' oversized diget for comfort. Optimus felt this strange feeling of them being watched, and picked Jack up and held him close. He was about to call for a groundbridge, when he realized... everything was quiet. No Waves, no birds, no nothing. Not even the wind. Jack was terrified at this point. Then, the faintest sound of very, VERY fast footsteps was heard. It sounded almost like a machine guns fire, it was that fast. Both looked around for a source, but nothing could be seen. Then Jack spotted something, and Optimus followed his gaze.

A huge, black, strange figure could be seen, running on its hind legs, which was the source of the noise. It was a long, thin, burly stick figure, no facial features, just a bunch of sticks and a perfect, round ball for a head. Except something was off. It was slowly changing as it ran, and soon it was running on all fours. It now just seemed to take the shape of a four legged, winged lizard, a Dragon to be exact, with a tail on its rear and a head upon a neck. Now the sound was closer, and doubled to suit the four feet, instead of the former two. Optimus tried to comm back to base, but he couldn't even get his comms on, so he turned and began to run, running up the beach-side and further inland, hearing the creatures large feet pounding against the sand beneath it faster and faster. Jack felt lightheaded, dizzy, and like he was going to have a panic attack, his body was dry all of a sudden, and felt overly hot, to the point he was sweating large droplets. Optimus felt cold and stiff, but kept running, his systems blaring at him as his spark raced. They then heard a voice, it came from nowhere, but everywhere.


Optimus felt his spark pounding harder, his peds began to run across grass, and this creature was still hitting sand. About ten feet more and he could hear it running across the grass. Jack at this point was trembling, and just downright passed out from heat exhaustion, panic, and dizziness. Optimus felt his frame's temperature go dangerously low, from a former -2 degrees to a terrifying -30 and getting lower. Optimus felt his frame starting to lock, stiff, and almost jam, he didn't know what was happening, but he guessed this creature was trying to freeze him to death. He then felt his frame finally give way, his knee, ped, hip, and neck joins locking up and freezing over instantly, and he was able to protect Jack from being crushed, before hitting the ground. The rest of his joints locked up, and he heard the creature just stop. At its speed, it should have skidded, and possibly tripped over him and been sent flying, but no. It just stopped. after a minute, it darted over, at inhuman speeds, in front of him. He was still oddly conscious, and saw it. It's body was constantly moving. He was able to look up at it, slowly terrified by just how horrifying this creature was. It was as if it wasn't in his plain of reality, unbound from the plains laws of physics. It seemed two dimensional, but had more then a normal persons sides. It was impossible to describe. It spoke again, from all directions.


And then it simply let out a quick roar like noise, but it was out of this world, before he was knocked out....

To Be Continued.

1840 words.

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