~ Never Mess with Arcee ~

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This is a short story I created on DeviantArt, based off of this post: https://www.deviantart.com/miklche04/art/OPxArceexMegatron-344354270

You can find my story ((Hopefully)) in the comments. Hope you Enjoy!

Characters: TFP Arcee, TFP Optimus, TFP Megatron
Story takes place in and on: Transformers Prime, Cybertron.


The war.

It was not merely a simple war, but a war for power or justice, for freedom or bloodshed, for war or peace. Within this war, two leaders stood tall. Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots, and Megatron, Leaders of the Decepticons. But both found a pull towards a blue Autobot femme. Arcee, for that matter. But, when the two leaders found out the other cared for Arcee, they had little, secret battles, but soon that secret was shared to Arcee by Arachnid, and so, it became a three way fight. Arcee did know Optimus meant good, truly, she did, but she wished to fight alone. That is how they ended up in a battle. Arcee in the background, annoyed, whilst Optimus and Megatron duelled it out on some hills. "She is mine, Prime!" Megatron's voice seethed with hatred. "She deserves to choose that for herself!" Optimus shot back. "Ugh... that's the first smart thing he has said..." Arcee groaned.

"I've had enough of this!" She snapped, running at them, the two hadn't noticed her until she jump kicked both in the helms, knocking them aside. Arcee skidded to a stop, glaring at both mechs, who were regaining their composure's. She transformed her servo's into blasters and fired at both of them, both dodged at their best, but a few shots did hit them, so they ran for cover, more like ran from an enraged femme. "Get back here and fight me like real mechs!" Arcee yelled after them, shooting in their general directions. Both made optic contact, and both had the same thought. 'We need to stop her.' They transformed their servos to blasters, came out of hiding, and fired at Arcee, as Much as Optimus hated it, and as much as Megatron didn't want to hurt "His" femme, both kept firing, but Arcee's small frame made her hard to hit, so she was able to dodge with ease, hitting them more then they hit the ground.

Soon both resorted to blades, and ran at Arcee. She did several backflips away from them, before lunging and kicking them both in the helms, knocking them back a bit. She landed on her peds, the two powerful leaders skidded to a stop, before transforming into their alts and driving forwards, then Optimus swerved to Arcee's left while Megatron flew to her right, before coming to a halt and driving towards her. Arcee looked between the two, waiting for the right moment, then jumped up, letting the two crash into one another, transform out of alt, and collapse onto the other. Arcee landed on them, and stood tall as the victor. "Now, will you two behave?" Arcee asked with a smirk, both, already embarrassed enough as it was, sighed in defeat. "Yes, Arcee." Megatron and Optimus said as one. "Good. Now, I have a way to make this fair..." Megatron and Optimus looked at one another, fearing the worst.

An hour later, the two had leashes around their necks and had stasis cuffs around their servos, being lead by Arcee, mechs and femmes laughing around them as they walked down a street, a busy street. This was humiliating for them, and both hated it. Arcee smirked as she pulled them along, though, at the same time, felt bad for the two. It was too late to back down now. Oh well.

"Moral of this story, Never mess with Me, Arcee."
-Arcee, 2018, December, Sunday, 16th, 7:43 PM.  

((610 words))

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