~ The odd fusion ~

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Where did I get that image from-? Sorry this was updated MONTHS and MONTHS ago, so I forgot to actually put the artists name down since I was on my phone at the time and got tired. if anyone knows the original artists name, and on what platform, please tell me! It was my original inspiration for this story. Please send help-

Shadow (Human OC)
TFP And G1 Optimus Prime (Belong to... hasbro...? Correct me if I'm wrong-)

Takes place in: A random rocky canyon probably somewhere in Jasper
Time: Mid day


Shadow stared in horror at this... fused version of G1 Optimus and TFP Optimus. She knew that neither knew the other, and both seemed confused but angry at... something. She saw the cracks that divided their frames, where the poor 2D animation was, and where the greater 3D animation was, yet, to her surprise, no energon seeped from these cracks. So, no injuries, good sign. G1's side had dragged his servo along the wall as they both had stumbled forward. whilst TFP's servo made sure that they didn't tumble into any rocks. Their legs spread apart to a point, they looked as if they would slide away from the other and do a split, which would possibly be painful, they never did splits, did they?

She was terrified as their blue optics stared at her, but she also noticed only G1's side had cracks, as if the fusion was either overlayed on TFP, or this fusion only affected G1's poor animation and body frame. Maybe it was both, she didn't know. She was a mere, small human, and could only stare in utter horror, before turning around and running. She heard the odd, two sided but similar toned battle cries as they ran after her. She knew why they were slightly different. For G1, mics weren't that good when they first voiced G1, as for TFP, it was clearer, more realistic. She kept running, avoiding them as best as she could, hiding for as long as she could, before sneaking around them and running again. It was an endless cycle, or so she thought. She was getting weaker and weaker, tiring out after several rounds of this. She narrowly dodged G1's servo, before hearing a slap, a yelp, and then a bunch of growling. She halted and looked back, seeing this mix between Old and New Prime's seeming to struggle with one another. There was also a servo print on G1's cheek, it appeared TFP had literally Glitch slapped poor G1. She took that time to run and hide once more.

Small Timeskip:

A few hours had passed, and Shadow had regained her senses, strength, and bearings. Shadow carefully climbed out of the small crack behind some huge boulders and looked around. Midnight. "Oh god damn it..." She mumbled. Now, you may be wondering: How did it all come to this? Well, a SPACEBRIDGE malfunction. You see, Shadow had been brought on a scouting mission with good ol' OP, when a signal was found deep underground. Long story short, Megatron was trying to create a Spacebridge. Well, Optimus was able to compromise this, blowing it up, but it turned on at the last second, and when the explosion happened, something else happened. Shadow didn't exactly know, but her best guess was that in another universe, G1 was doing something else with Groundbridges or something, and it just so happened that they had a similar groundbridge malfunction, and scrap hit the ceiling fan. After that, The Decepticons fled, and Shadow had to leave because the cavern was collapsing due to the explosion shifting a bit too many rocks. Somehow, this monstrosity had also escaped, and now it was... she guessed hunting her.

She pulled out a box of matches from her back pocket, and lit one for some amount of light. She then found a small dried up bush and a long stick, and somehow created a torch. She then began to wander through the huge, rocky ravine, her torch light flickering across the walls. She began to notice claw marks, soon etching into gibberish and incoherent babbling on the rocky walls. Shadow soon examined some of these claw marks and realized they were the G1-TFP monsters digets, digging into the rocks. The further she got, the more this incoherent babble began to turn into an occasional word, but now there was Energon dripping from some of it. She suspected their digets were bleeding at this point. She soon began to make out what the words were saying. "Anger." "Confusion." "Anger." "Anger." "Who." "Who?" "Who Are you?" Was the first question she saw. "I don't know." "Where are we?" "Rock Place." "Human." "Human friend?" "Name..." "Name?" "Sh...." "Sh.." More claw marks in frustration. "Remember?" "No." More claw marks. "Sha.." "Shade?" "Wrong..." "Shadow!" "Shadow!" Soon 'Shadow' was written all along the walls, getting more sketchy and frantic. She then saw them.

They were trembling, on their chassis, sort of sprawled out, stuck under huge rocks. Their servos were bleeding energon in such amounts that weren't very healthy. The figure was almost in tears, whimpering in odd whines that sounded like there was radio interference. They looked up and saw her, and she felt a spike of worry shoot through her heart. She ran over, stabbed the torch into the ground, and knelt down to them, gently rubbing their helm as they whined and nuzzled her slightly. "Dear god, you two were worried..." She mumbled, smiling. "It's ok now, I'm here." They nuzzled her some more as she looked up at some nearby writing. "Who are we to each other?" They groaned out, making Shadow fall silent. "...The same mech, from opposing universes." She responded meekly. They stared, their audio receptors silently twitched, before speaking again. "How... do we... revert back?" "I don't know..." She began to attempt to move the rocks off of them, struggling as she went.

She was stopped when the trapped two growled harshly, with a hint of fear, at something. She looked up, and gasped, as she spotted another weird amalgamation, Megatron, or G1 clashed with TFP. Optimus suddenly broke free and Shadow swiftly hopped off the rock, hearing them roar at one another in anger. As she turned around, they were already running at one another, but the Megatron Beast thing swiftly plowed into their legs, and brought them down hard. The Prime's fearfully and angrily looked at Shadow and yelled "RUN!" Which she instantly turned around and hightailed it out of there.


1078 words :D

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