~ Chosen... Part 2 ~

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Jack Shot awake, laying on the beach, his heart racing and his body sweating, the sun beaming down on his now sunburned skin, to his left, Optimus awoke only seconds later, immediately in defense mode. Both spotted one another, and realized they were alright. Jack's cause of dizziness and heatstroke was because of the sun, and Optimus' locking up of limbs was because of increasing panic over something that wasn't possibly real, nor there, his processor had fabricated the cold to make logical sense of it.

We're going a bit fast, aren't we?

Jack got up, wincing in pain as sand fell down his sunburned arms, legs, and neck, stinging a little, his mind trying to get a recap on what he just witnessed, the strange, inhuman gun like object, the creature that seemed to not be bound to their plain of reality, coming from one which our laws of physics don't exist, the odd silence that had washed over them, the toying of their feelings... "Jack, are you alright?" Optimus' worried voice shot him out of his thoughts, looking up at the worried leader. "I-I'm fine, Optimus. Just sunburned." Jack responded after stunned silence, trembling softly as he tried to get the image of whatever they saw out of his head. "Was that all... a dream?" Optimus mumbled to himself, but loud enough for Jack to hear. "What was a dream? What did you see?" "Something." "I saw something as well." Neither continued further. Even with little to no detail, both knew the other saw the same thing. Waves crashed softly against the shoreline, brushing up against Jack's feet and Optimus' peds, the rock they saw now gone, and no trace of them ever being chased, the gun like object gone. Jack leaned up against the Prime's leg, just trying to relax, Optimus sighed softly and placed his servo near Jack, he was oddly tense. After minutes of silence, Jack spoke. "Can you swim, Optimus?" Optimus' audio receptors twitched as he looked at Jack in confusion. "Pardon?" "Can you swim?" He pondered the question. "...Yes, but I usually sink... why?" "I wanted to try and go into the water. You know, to swim. Do you want to try?" Jack asked, looking up at Optimus once more. Optimus looked at the ocean. "Can YOU swim, Jack?" He retorted gently. "Yea. A little. I know how not to drown, so..." Optimus chuckled softly, and sighed. "Very well, but know I ask of you just to stay close to the shore." "I will." Jack got up, taking off his now sweat soaked shirt and sand covered shoes, and entered the Shallow waters, Optimus staying out a little further for Jack's own safety. He kept a watchful optic over the teenage boy, worried for his own safety. He tried to relax enough to remain calm, but... he just couldn't get that 'dream' out of his head. How could it be a dream? Even if it was, how did himself and Jack both get the same dream? How could they, two people with two separate mindsets on reality as a whole, and two different species mind you, dream the same thing, in such detail, and such horrific fashion? Optimus was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't even notice Jack dove into a deeper part of the ocean, swimming under the waves. When he finally noticed Jack was not near the beach anymore, Jack was further out then Optimus would have liked, going up for air and poking back down to see the life under the water. When Optimus spotted him, he instantly dove under the waves, even if he couldn't float, he could run underwater, getting near Jack enough to be safely near him and able to help him if needed. Although he didn't want him out here, he didn't want to stop him, he knew Jack loved the ocean, and wanted to explore it, so he didn't want to halt the boys interest.

Some place deep in the ocean, far, far out, lay a metallic object, shiny and new, as if just placed there seconds before. At first glance, it didn't look like much, but a closer look revealed it looked like some sort of robot. It was 20 feet tall, and seemed to be some sort of attraction animatronic of sorts, smooth yet robust parts, painted in blues and whites. It seemed to be modeled after a shark, with a open jaw and closed eyes, a metal, multiple jointed tail, a fin on its backside, pointed nose, and dull teeth in its mouth. It had arms and legs as well, but the arms were more like fins, and the legs were more like blades, or fans. After a moment, its eyes opened, black orbs with green spots all in it, before blinking and turning to full white, then blinked again and it looked like a normal eye, almost human like, but not quite, with greenish brown. It's fans came to life, and it transformed into a full blown shark, but visibly, it wasn't a shark, mainly using those fans, now near its tail, to propel itself, and segmented parts made it obvious it was a metal impostor. After a moment, it took off, in the direction where Jack and Optimus were, its once humanoid eyes now full neon green, searching for prey...

To be continued.

(889 words)

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