~ Back You Go ~

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So, this was inspired by https://www.deviantart.com/brookriver/art/Back-You-Go-430313937, by https://www.deviantart.com/brookriver, who I seriously love for their inspiring, calm, funny, sad, and/or creepy Transformers Prime art and other art they do. I have another work on the way after this one made by another deviantartist, with another inspiring story art thing, but I won't say who or what yet.

And sorry if this is terrible, I tried my best.


To quote their post: "All that Optimus could remember from his near-death experience was a bright light, the face of his old mentor, and someone screaming "HAHA NOPE" from behind him."

Anyways, Enjoy!



It was all Optimus could see at this point. A bright, sky blue and silver white light, but somehow, not blinding to his optics, his systems were no longer blaring in his audio receptors, which he couldn't tell was a good or bad sign, and he no longer felt or saw any energon dripping from now none existent wounds. He did remember hearing Smokescreen, one of the most loyal team members of Team Prime, calling his name, but nothing more. He looked around this strange light void, behind him, the white and blue faded into darkness, and in front of him, was all that white and blue. 'Have I... been offlined?' He thought to himself, his processor blindly racing for an explanation as to what happened, and as of a clue to where he was, he prayed he was just dreaming out of his own fear for the team, but he couldn't feel anything, rather, he could sense it all. Where was he? Why was he here? And what of his team? His family? Did they survive? Were they all safe? He didn't know, and feared he never would find out, if he ever found a way out of this.

"Come, Optimus." A deep, gentle voice brought him out of his thoughts, startling him slightly. His first response would be to go into battle mode, servos to blasters and his battle mask over his lower half of his face, but he came to a strange realization he couldn't do that, he couldn't move much at all, only stare and breath, but he breathed in the nothingness of this void, not like he needed oxygen. But him being powerless to move was terrifying, yet... oddly peaceful. He soon saw a figure a few moments later, emerge from the white light before him, a mech, a cybertronian, someone familiar. This mech was entirely blue, like the void, but still visible in this light. A memory struck him, as he saw this mech come closer, and he felt himself regain his voice, as if he had lost it to this void. "Is it truly you... Alpha Trion?" At his name, the mech's, or Alpha Trion's, optics glowed brighter, their blue glow similar to the Prime's. "I stand before you, my student. As such, it would seem as it is your time."

Optimus' optics slightly widened, knowing what his mentor meant. He remembered then that Alpha Trion had been offlined during the beginning days of the great war of cybertron. How could he have been so blind? He could have, and should have, pieced it together by now on his own, and yet, he was shocked. He felt his optics drift downwards, blinking once as he took this one sentence in like a hundred blaster shots from decepticons. How? Why? Now that he thought about it, why was he so... scared? He knew he would never live forever, but he felt fear flood him, as if he never knew he would die, as if he was never told what death even was. This was it? The end? After so many countless close calls, so many shots taken and so much energon shed, this was his final goodbye? "Why do you hesitate?" Alpha Trion's voice echoed, once again breaking his thoughts. "I do not fear joining with the Allspark, but, for the fate of the Matrix of Leadership." ((He lied on his fear of joining the Allspark, but not for the Matrix. Just to clear thing's up.))

"You know as well as I that a worthy candidate is near, one who will learn to be a Prime, as you once did." Optimus remembered Smokescreen, and how he had retrieved the Forge of Solus Prime, not knowing the actual reason he asked for him to get it back from Megatron's warship. Alpha Trion raised his servo, it was the only movement he had made so far, other then that, he was a motionless statue. "Take my hand, Optimus, and join me. Join with the Allspark." As Alpha Trion spoke these words, he looked down again. He remembered the humans in danger, he remembered Jack, Miko, Raphael, Agent Fowler, and Miss June, and the times they all got into the line of fire. He remembered the times he and the Team had gotten into fights lost and won, and how many times one or more of them never came back from the fight. He remembered how they were all family to him, and yet they all knew, he would fall soon as well. He looked up at his old mentor, sadness filled his optics. 'I do not want to leave them all behind... but... I do not have a choice...' He would have cried, he would have let tears fall down his cheek plating's and into this void, if his frame would allow it. He had no choice. No choice but to walk over to his mentor, which is all he could do. Walk over to him and mask his sadness, and reach for his servo with his own, maybe... they would survive without him...

"HAHA NOPE!" A voice screamed from behind him, and he felt something hit him HARD on his helm, he fell down, Alpha Trion pulled his servo away in shock, and he hit the non existent ground, and spared and glance at whoever had just hit him... "Solus?!" "YOU AIN'T DYING TODAY!!!" Solus Prime was the one that had hit him on the helm, with her own forge, the golden hammer in her servos. "Solus, why?" Alpha asked, now moving on his own, like a normal cybertronian. "Cause it's the plot of the show!" "The what?" "Oh, uh... I meant... JUST SCREW IT!" She raised the forge high above her helm, Optimus could do nothing but watch as Solus bashed it into his helm, and then darkness consumed him. He jolted awake, breathing heavily, the forge in his servo, He looked down at himself and saw he got a major upgrade, looking more robust then he did before, no longer battle scarred and bruised. He slowly stood up, placing the forge down, seeing he was in a cave. He saw Smokescreen, unconscious in the cave, and smiled. He was alive. But... how? He remembered... "Solus... as the humans would call her a "Troll"." He facepalmed, then looked at his back, seeing he had a built in jetpack. He could fly. "I must help my team." He blasted through the cave, knowing Smokescreen would find his way out ((YES HE CARES)), and flew onward to help his team.

Timeskip brought to you by Solus bashing Optimus with her forge!

Optimus stood in Team Prime's new base, the team all gathered around him. That fight had been a close one, apparently. :;Hey, Optimus? How did you come back from the dead?;: Bumblebee beeped, the scout looking curious as ever. "Yea, how did you? And what was it like?" Bulkhead piped up. Everyone of his team, Including the humans, all looked curiously as him, wanting to know, to hear what happened. He looked over at the groundbridge, feeling something staring at him from there, and, to his surprise, the original thirteen stood there, Solus a giggling mess, waving at Optimus, and his mentor, Alpha Trion, chuckling next to her. He knew his team could not see them, only he could see them. The thirteen plus Alpha Trion gave him smiles, and he couldn't help but smile as well.

"Well, let's just say a certain "troll" helped me."


And done! I Do hope y'all loved this! This was pretty "I'm about to cry" then "I'M SQUEALING" hard to type. Primus, this was fun to type altogether. Well, goodnight, my lovely little Autobot's, Decepticon's, Predacon's, Insecticon's, or any other faction I missed!


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