Chapter 13: Scarves and Umbrellas

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-Shizuo Heiwajima-

Shizuo hated to admit it, but Izaya's cooking was amazing. And seeing as to how he usually took a cup of coffee for breakfast, the generous helping of pancakes were a huge upgrade.

But, no matter how fantastic the sweet treat tasted in his mouth, he couldn't enjoy it. Dozens of questions swirled through his mind, nagging at him for answers. And yet he couldn't bring himself to ask the ravenette.

So he resorted to sneaking glimpses at the ex informant, and he concluded that even if Izaya acted like a morning person- he sure as hell didn't look like one.

Only half an hour had past since Erika stated that Izaya's shaggy black hair and dark circles made him look like a crow- and in all honesty, her statement was still correct.

That being said Izaya was far from ugly. The messy hair actually suited him greatly, as lose strands framed his face, contrasting nicely with his pale skin.

A small relaxed smile played at his lips as he indulged in his own breakfast, and he would peek at his laptop on the other side of the kitchen counter every now and again.

And now that Shizuo was so close, he could finally determine Izaya's eye colour. It had always been a mystery to him- he could never decide if it was a rich brown or a deep red. Not that he ever payed much notice before.

But now he decided it was actually a crisp, deep carmine, like a breath of fresh air from the usual eye colours you saw on people. In all honesty, Shizuo was surprised he could look into those eyes without getting angry.

For the longest time, he didn't bother to spare Izaya direct eye contact. Because he knew that when he looked into those cruel eyes, he would see nothing but a heartless, amused glint. He hated those eyes.

But now, whenever he dared to peek into his crimson coloured orbs, they told him a story. A story about how the ravenette had changed over the past few years, and they had been begging him for forgiveness ever since Shizuo saw him for the first time in Ikebukuro.

"Hey Shizu-chan," Izaya's smooth voice brought Shizuo out of his trance, causing the artificial blonde to turn his attention to the ex informant, "What are your plans for the holidays?" It was a simple question really.

Seeing as to how they were already in December, it was a commonly asked query. "Not much to be honest," Shizuo started in a bored tone, "I don't really like Christmas."

And that was an understatement. The ex bartender despised the holiday. Because ever year, he'd see loving couples happily together, spending another cold christmas with smiles and laughter.

And that sight would continuously remind Shizuo that he'd never find someone to love him- not in that way at least. The concept of finding a loved one had always fascinated the artificial blonde.

It would make butterflies flutter in his stomach at the thought of it- now he grimaced at it, because he knew that it was all wishful thinking.

Shizuo wasn't exactly a girl's dream guy. Sure, he didn't have anger issues as bad as before, but he still had a relatively short fuse- he just didn't blow up as badly as he used to.

But he was still quite an introverted and reserved guy, and even though all his friends told him that any girl to date him would be lucky, those words reached deaf ears.

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