Chapter 28: Fortune Teller

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-Izaya Orihara-

13th January

Izaya looked above him at the sky, to find the usual view of the looming grey clouds- courtesy of the winter weather. As he used his newly obtained crutches to walk through the pathways which lead to the various tents, he tried to find his own before a certain someone decided to give him more jobs to do. After taking a mental note that he had mistakenly took a different pathway and was now lost in the frenzy of tents, he vividly remembered the events that took place a week ago.

As the ravenette heard the familiar voices, his heart skipped a beat, albeit he was a little confused about the hysterical laughter resonating from the outside. The flap of the tent was once more opened to reveal Mairu and Kururi Orihara. Despite the years, they had never really changed.

Mairu's scarlet eyes met Izaya's first, right as she was cheerfully announcing that they came back from the grocery store, and to show it they both had two grocery bags in each hand. Her brunette hair was still in a braid, and her eyes were still behind glasses. She wore a bright yellow parka and jeans, and Izaya found himself thankful that they were both wearing decent clothing in such cold weather.

Kururi also didn't seem to age, with her brunette hair reaching just a little under her shoulders, and a serene but somewhat bored look on her features. Her eyebrows quirked up at the sight of Izaya, and she pulled off the dark grey hood of her own parka so she could see better. The only thing that seemed to be different was that they were now eighteen and had grown quite taller from when he last saw them- but Izaya determined that they were still way shorter than him so he didn't really mind.

Right as the ravenette was about to open his mouth, Mairu beat him to it. "Iza-nii!" The word was said with annoyance, and the young twin dropped the grocery bags, ran up to her older brother, and kicked him in the knee, making him crouch down pathetically, as the pain was ten times worse than it should have been. "Why didn't you tell us you were in Ikebukuro! Oi, stop slouching and answer me!" She grabbed him by the ear and pulled him up, and the ravenette found himself zipping his mouth close to not spout out any profanities.

"Hey! That's no way to talk to your brother you brat! I came here all the way from Japan for you!" Izaya shot back, not caring that he was raising his voice while all the circus members looked at them with incredulous looks on their faces. "Not true," Asuka coughed, and Izaya shot her a glare, even though she was technically right. "Why in the world are you two in England anyway!" Izaya found himself asking, and he was suddenly very aware of Mairu's fighting skills.

Said sister crossed her arms and looked away from her brother. "I wanted to travel." She muttered quietly, childishly. Izaya rubbed his forehead as he realized the meaning of that word. "So you just left Japan without saying a word? You're missing out on school right now!" Mairu whined in annoyance. "We were bored, okay! So we went on a plane and came to England first. We were lucky enough to find this circus and after their show was over, Kiyo pulled us aside cause he thought we looked familiar. After we told him we were your sisters, he offered us to stay at the circus temporarily as long as we gave him enough information to find you. We went along with it." Mairu finished curtly, and Kururi at this point had forgotten her grocery bags too so she could stand by her sister.

"Why would you do that?" Izaya hissed but he never got an answer from his sisters as the ring leader or 'Kiyo' at this point had intervined. "Izaya can't you see that they missed you? They just wanted to see their older brother!" A friendly smile laced his lips but the ravenette didn't fail to notice the gleam of mischief in his eyes.

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