Chapter 33: I Bid You Farewell

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It was sunny on that day- that was the first thing that the ravenette noticed as he hid away from the sunshine under the shade of a willow tree. The freshly clipped green grass was dancing along with the breeze, swaying back and forth as he flipped another page from his book. With every chapter he read he was being transported into a world of fantasy, dragons and demons, and heroes too. He blushed at the thought that he would love to be someone's hero too.

"Iza-nii! Play with us!"

The twelve year old boy sighed at that, completely irritated by the two three year olds he had to put up with. "We're at the park, you can read at home!" Mairu urged, while reaching out her hands to take away his book. Since when did his sisters learn to talk so quickly anyway? They had always been irritating, but now they had gotten even better at it.

"Shut up. Go play on your own." He said curtly, giving the both of them a little push, before Kururi started sobbing, while pointing at the tree Izaya was resting against. "What's wrong now?" He reluctanly asked, hastily wiping away her tears with his sleeve, while Mairu looked at her sister perplexed. "Th- There's a cat! It can't get down!" She exclaimed dramatically, and when Izaya turned around to look, he realized that she was indeed correct.

A small,fluffy black kitten with a white spot on its forehead was sitting down on a branch, trying to climb down but failing to do so. Before he knew it, Mairu's lip was beginning to tremble as well. "Okay, okay no more crying," Izaya demanded, puffing out his chest with confidence, "I'll rescue the cat." He stated bravely, as his sisters looked up at him in awe.

With the small support system cheering him on, the ravenette quickly climbed up the tree which luckily had a lot of branches, before reaching the part were the kitten was. He hastily grabbed it and put the fluffy creature against his chest, before cautiously climbing down, to his twin sisters clapping and cheering.

When he put it down, the kitten ran off to the other side of the park, were Izaya could see two other kittens and a big cat, all with a similar colour scheme to the one he had just saved. They were probably its family, he thought, while his lips quirked upwards at their adorable interactions.

"Iza-nii! You're so cool!" Mairu gasped, while clinging to his right arm, and Kururi held his left. "You're like... like a..." Mairu drifted off, biting her lip trying to find the right word to use. But Kururi beat her to it, "Like a hero!"

Izaya learnt new things every day. And on that afternoon he learnt that if no one else's, he could always be a hero in his sisters eyes.


-Izaya Orihara-

"Iza-nii, you're not coming back to Ikebukuro are you?"

Izaya didn't know why, but at that question, sweet memories off the blissful past arose in his mind. He couldn't help but smile, guilt washing over his face. "Was I being that obvious?" He asked them, scratching the back of his head. The only answer he got was a nod of the head. After a few moments of painful silence, as the wind was the only background noise along with some lonely crickets, Mairu spoke.

"All I have is one question... why?"

It was odd for her to speak in such a quiet, somber tone. She was always lively and bubbly, teasing him with every chance he got.

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