Izaya's Past: Part (IV)

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3 years ago
Japan Niigata
24th August, 10:06am

If Izaya had the ability to run away from the god awful situation, he would have. But no, he had to deal with what his therapist Yuina, thought was a good idea. And that idea was inviting Shinra and Celty over without Izaya's acknowledgement. The ravenette wasn't too sure how she managed to find them, or convince them to come over. He didn't even have a clue on how she knew that he was associated with these people. But to his rotten luck, he was stuck in the usual office, ironically bursting with colour, despite the uncomfortable atmosphere and the therapist who was acting too cheerful for her own good.

"Ah, you must be Izaya's friends, yes?" She started politely, taking Shinra's hand in her own and shaking it firmly, "I'm Yuina Maki, his therapist. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said, with such a bright smile that Izaya could feel lips which were pulled into a frown, starting to twitch upwards. But in reality, all he could have done in that situation was observe the two people infront of him that used to be his only semblance of 'friendship' even though they were never that close in reality. Shinra hadn't changed from what Izaya could see, and he seemed a lot more comfortable in this situation than he should have been. But of course, the underground scientist had always been a little weird.

Celty on the other hand was the opposite; visibly stiff and nervous, and she wouldn't take her gaze off Izaya, as if worried he would leap up and start throwing daggers at everyone. "Celty, right? Would you like to take your helmet off? It might help you be more at ease!" Yuina offered, but it was immediately declined. She probably didn't know that Celty was headless. "So, Izaya-kun has been here all along?" Shinra asked, before taking a seat on the couch, and Yuina made sure to adjust Izaya's chair so he would be forced to look the other in the eye. "Well yes actually. You never knew?" Her voice was tinged with concern, and Izaya proceeded to take a huge interest in his own hands, fiddling with his fingers.

"No, of course not! Once Izaya left Ikebukuro, the city was at peace! I thought he was dead by now! I guess you're alive though, so congratulations!" Shinra beamed, as if he had just made a kind statement, but Izaya just meekly nodded his head, trying not to think too hard on the harsh words.

Of course he knew he deserved it, there were absolutely no excuses for his actions. He had known that all along. But now, he was learning to be better, and he put his pride down a long time ago to accept Yuina's help. But the last thing he needed was this; his 'friends' clearly reluctant to be here, as he had treated them so horribly so. "Shinra-san, don't you think that's a little harsh? I understand Izaya has done horrible things, and I don't expect you to forgive him right now. But this interaction with you two is important for him to develop and realize that he can change his own future," she reasoned, and at those words Celty crossed her arms, while looking away from Izaya.

"I guess you're right... but tell me Izaya, are you planning to come back to Ikebukuro soon?"

Izaya never bothered to look up, let alone give him a response. When he tried to form the words, the sound died before he could open his mouth.

"Do you think you'll continue as an informant? And what will you do about Shizuo... and everyone for that matter if you come back?"

The questions were asked with such an innocently curious tone, Izaya was sure that Shinra wasn't mocking him. If only the bastard gave him enough time to even reply...

"Are you even genuinely sorry for what you did Izaya-kun?"

With his head hung low, and his dark hair covering his eyes, he nodded his head once more. And next to him, he could feel Yuina's concern growing. What, did she think he was going to have an emotional break down because Shinra was too blunt? No, he didn't care much about that. All he really wanted to do...

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