Chapter 17: Christmas Eve- Part 1

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-Izaya Orihara-

24th December

As Izaya woke up, he came to the realisation that he had a busy day infront of him. He had to plan for the small party with Shizuo, so that meant making a big dinner as well.

Not to mention that at one point he had to slip away from the situation so he and Erika could go to the store so he could by a last minute gift. So why didn't he try to bolt right out of bed as soon as he had woken up?

Well that's simple really. It was because Shizuo had upgraded from last night- instead of cuddling a pillow he was tightly clinging onto Izaya himself.

He was practically spooning the ravenette, with his face buried in the crook of his neck. And with the two limp arms around the ex informant's waist... well neither if them were going to get up any time soon.

In all honesty, when Izaya first woke up and realized their position, his face broke into a light blush- he was so flustered, that he couldn't bother to wake up the other and tease him about it.

And who could blame him? Anyone would be embarrassed. And the feeling of being held so close was foreign and odd for the ravenette too.

But that isn't to say that he didn't like it. Because despite all his mixed emotions he decided one thing- it was pleasent in a way. So he determined that he wouldn't wake the artificial blonde... not yet anyway.

But just as Izaya was getting comfortable, the ex bartender started to slowly stir awake. And so the ravenette pondered in those few seconds- what were the chances of Shizuo killing him?

But the artificial blonde didn't say a word. He simply released Izaya from his grip, turned around, mumbled a lazy 'sorry' and was about to go back to sleep.

Izaya couldn't put his finger on it, but for some reason, he decided he wouldn't mind spending a few mornings waking up like that.


Eventually the ravenette found himself at one of the larger shopping centres of Ikebukuro, with a giddy brunette alongside him. Izaya wore a red plaid shirt with a plain white sweater ontop, while Erika wore a simple blue sweater that had christmas quotes on it written in different fonts.

"So what are you getting for Shizuo?" She asked light-heartedly, as if completely forgetting the serious conversation she initiated the day before.

"I was thinking about buying him another pair of sunglasses, since the previous ones broke a while ago when he was saving us from those gang members," He explained calmly as his eyes wandered to every section of the shopping centre.

Erika stopped for just a moment, twirling a strand of her hair which was styled in dutch braids as she furrowed her eye brows in thought. "I think I know the perfect place to get something like that!" It was a sudden exclamation, followed by her frantically pushing the ravenette's wheelchair to their final destination.

"So is your sister still coming to the party?" Izaya asked curiously as they entered a store that had all sorts of trinkets and accessories on display, "Yes she is, but I warn you- she's a little shy,"

"I thought you said she never shuts her mouth?" A chuckle escaped the ravenette's lips, as he teased the brunette. Despite their hastle to get the gift, he was enjoying the shopping trip.

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