Chapter 14: A Golden Opportunity

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-Izaya Orihara-

10th December

Izaya was currently on his way back to Shinra's place, with Erika pushing his wheelchair while Kadota walked beside them.

The three of them had decided to meet up at the new cafe that had opened recently, 'Kohīraunji', which literally meant 'coffee lounge'.

It was a quaint little place, with light wooden floorboards, large windows showcasing the bustling city of Ikebukuro, and a wooden counter at the back where they displayed different types of pastries.

Now Izaya claimed that he was practically a coffee connoisseur, and he decided that this cafe made the best coffees in the world. The taste was almost purely bitter, except for the small fractals of sugar that were dissolved in it. The perfect blend of bittersweet.

But the trio hadn't met just to drink warm beverages- they were trying to help the ravenette with his idea to have Shinra and Celty go abroad as thanks for all their kind help.

Sadly, his plan was currently failing miserably. Erika recieved a text from her family just two days ago- they were coming over to stay with her for the Christmas holidays.

Even though Erika insisted he could stay over, the ex informant would be damned if he were to intrude and ruin her time with her family. Besides- she had a younger sister and an older brother, making a total of five people under the same roof, excluding him.

So after about an hour and a half of discussing ideas (and hinting at christmas gifts that would like to be recieved from Erika), they decided it was time to take the ravenette back to Shinra's. It was dark outside anyway, and you could never be too safe in Ikebukuro.

Most gang members had disbanded- the Dollars were still together, but all members were fairly innocent. They did good deeds now, like cleaning up graffiti from walls or protecting some innocent people from a roudy group of teens.

But you still had your lone wolves looking out for nothing but trouble, infact Izaya still kept his folding knives hidden in his pockets. He couldn't exactly fight, but he had great aim, so he could use them like darts. Really deadly and sharp darts. But that skill was of course kept for self defence.

The ravenette also noted how cold it was currently- he himself was wearing black jeans and a dark green sweater, that had white padding on his shoulders and elbows. He was actually also wearing a dark woolly scraf- Shizuo's scarf.

He hadn't seen the artificial blonde for about a week. And he could have sworn that he saw him wearing the scarf before he left Shira's apartment to go home. Now it seems that the ex bartender had Izaya's umbrella, while the ravenette held tightly to the other's scarf.

He always wore it outside the house, as it kept him extremely warm- even just knowing it was Shizuo's gave him a nice feeling. It was almost as if they were already good friends. So he fidgeted around with the scarf a bit as he looked over at Erika.

The brunette was currently wearing scarlet jeans, along with a black sweater that had different types of cats drawn in white on it. In the middle of the fluffy creatures was written 'I Speak Fluent Cat'. Izaya would never admit it, but he really liked the sweater.

Kadota on the other hand simply wore dark blue jeans and a dark grey sweatshirt, along with with his signiture beanie. Over the last few days he and Izaya had spent more time together and actually became better friends then they ever were back in high school.

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