Chapter 19: 'Merry Christmas, Izaya-kun.'

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-Izaya Orihara-

25th December,
Christmas Day

It was a cold, wintry day, and yet despite the layer of snow dusting the streets and buildings of Ikebukuro, the sun still shone high up in the sky, making the chilly morning feel somewhat warmer.

In the bedroom of the Heiwajima residence, small beams of sunlight infiltrated the room, causing a particular ravenette to slowly open his eyes.

He wished that he could say that it was a peaceful morning, and that he was warm despite the cold thanks to the blankets and being cuddled by Shizuo, but alas, his dreams were quickly shattered.

"Shizu-chan! What the hell are you doing!" His voice was still low and groggy as he had just woken up, but irritation was clear in his tone.

Shizuo was actually sitting up, one arm draped around the ex informant which he lazily pulled away, and in his other arm, a small paper bag- the bag that contained his new sunglasses which were supposed to be given to him later on.

Now Shizuo wasn't one to show amused reactions, but an obnoxious snicker cascaded from his lips at Izaya's out of character outburst. And the ravenette couldn't blame him for being entertained.

"Where did you find that bag?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed, a little annoyed that he had to use his voice so much, right after waking up.

"It was on your bed side table, barely noticed it last night. It wasn't there before so... what is it?" The artificial blonde asked curiously while shaking the bag slightly. Izaya merely huffed out a breath in defeat. Was that were Erika 'hid' the present yesterday?

"Well seems like there's no use trying to cover it up," The ravenette stated nonchalantly, his irritation and anger dissipating away, "That is your christmas gift." His reply came out in a simple, casual tone, as he spared the other a small smile.

"Huh?" The ex bartender had all previous amusement wiped off from his face, as he watched the ravenette slowly sit up, so they were at eye level. "Sorry, can't accept it," He said stubbornly, and attempted to give Izaya the present back.

"Why not?" The ravenette asked, almost in a disappointed manner. Shizuo looked at him and their gaze met- a warm hazel with a sharp carmene that was so dark, you just might mistake it for brown if you weren't looking close enough.

And Shizuo's expression was a grim one, as if there was a war in his head, debating wether he should reply with a truth or escape from everything with a lie.

"It's cause I didn't get you a gift- it's rude if I accept this." If only he didn't have such an unreadable expression before, Izaya just might have believed him.

But the ravenette decided to let it slide for the time being. The truth would come out eventually, all he needed was to be patient. And so his lips quirked upwards with glee.

"Shizu-chan, you're letting me stay in your house for two weeks! Getting you a gift is the least I could do!" He coaxed the other, with a tone so confident that Shizuo simply had to comply.

So he silently opened the bag, to find the brand new pair of sunglasses, with dark blue tinted frames just like his old one. Izaya actually could have sworn he saw the tinniest of smiles appear on Shizuo's lips.

And then after examining them quietly for a few seconds, he put them on, hiding his soft hazel eyes that Izaya got so used to, behind the intimidating shades.

"New sunglasses, eh? Smart choice," He complimented while facing Izaya.

And so from there they went on with their regular day. They skyped with Shinra and Celty, they made a big lunch, they talked about the randomest things as the radio kept spouting out christmas carols- it was a perfect way to spend the day.

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