Chapter 32: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.

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-Izaya Orihara-

22nd February

After having to come to terms with his emotions, Izaya didn't really know how to deal with it. He never had a playful crush on anyone before, let alone liked someone romantically for who they truly were. And that resulted in him resorting to coping methods that an eight year old girl would use. Because on that day he hadn't started doing chores, or talked to someone from Japan on Shizuo's phone. He hadn't even thought about his own problems and a potential midlife crisis. Instead, he sat on one of the bulkier branches of a tree in the fields surrounding the circus, with a single flower in his hand.

It was a vibrant yellow with delicate petals, which he plucked off one by one with the never ending mumbling of "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not," forming an annoying mantra. For once he wasn't even looking at his surroundings, because he was so invested in the stupid activity that occupied his hands.

Eventually, he reached the last two petals. "He loves me..." he stopped there for a moment with a sigh, too childish to rip off what was left of the innocent flower. "...he loves me not." It was said a little quietly, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear that a random flower didn't think they belonged together. Now that... that sounded really stupid in his head.

And he knew it was! This wasn't normal behaviour for him but he couldn't help it. He continued to stare at the lonely petal in his fingertips for a few moments, with the ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. He knew it would never work out. Even the flowers told him so. It was only when an abrupt gust of wind passed him, that the petal was taken away from him, and it played with the breeze as it said farewell. Izaya overall felt a little melancholic about the situation, knowing it simply wouldn't work out... the last thing he wanted to do was think about Shizuo, let alone see him.

And yet, when Izaya saw the artificial blonde approach him from one of the cobblestone paths, all previous thoughts and emotions disappeared, just to leave a flustered mess in their wake. Despite the butterflies in his stomach, the ravenette couldn't help but smile at seeing the other. Liking someone was weird, he thought. It made him feel so many jumbled up emotions... Erika once said that love did that sometimes.

"Morning, Izaya-kun," Shizuo greeted as he usually did, and Izaya put on his best act just for him. "Morning Shizu-chan! How is the plan with Shinra and Celty going?" Despite all the mayhem in his mind, the ex informant still had priorities. And that right now was getting his sisters back to Japan safely. "Everything is  under control cause they should be coming late tonight. Where exactly are we going to meet up with them anyway?"

So far, it was a normal conversation despite his blooming feelings. He was thankful for that atleast. "Shinra told me that the best place is right outside the area of the circus, so somewhere in the outskirts of the fields," he said as his gaze wandered over to the tents. "Do you think your sisters are prepared?" It was cute that his tone held concern.

"Of course! They're tough. They will be back home safely in Japan before they know it." He reassured, confident that he could trust his sisters to not be too much trouble for Shinra and Celty. With that out of the way he was about to get off the branch and start off with some work, possibly talk to Asuka about Kiyo. Until that is, Shizuo asked another question.

"Hey Izaya? Last night..." he started, scratching the back of his head, trying to find the right words, "Were you okay? You seemed fine at first, but then you were acting weird... and panicked... not very Izaya-esque, if that makes sense-" he was abrupted from his fast paced mumbling by the ravenette's chuckling, who missed Shizuo's smile (possibly directed at him) as his eyes were closed from trying to catch his breath. Why did he always have to be so concerned?

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