People That Will Be Mentioned

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Masha/Maria: That's Me! As you see I have two names because Masha is my Ukrainian name and Maria is my American name! I honestly don't know why I have two names but whatever! I'm currently thirteen! No one fully (100%) understands me. I'm The 6th about to be 7th grade Eyeless Jack! I'm now in 7th grade! (Supposed to be in eighth but I took a long trip and came back having to restart 1st grade)

Trinity: my BFF since like second grade! In 7th grade now!

Sandra: My Bestie Since Second Grade! In 7th grade now! (We have many of the same features! almost twins. 6th grade Ben! We're like Sisters.)

Kursti: My True friend. I love her to death! I can tell her anything. She moves from place to place every two years so this is possibly her last year! In 7th grade now! (Sista from anotha mista)

Dai-Cha: My awesome kidney buddy! She's the 7th grade Eyeless Jack! Now in 8th grade! (Sista from a another mista!)

Elizabeth/Lizzy: My Friend from PE! 7th grade Jeff! Now in 8th grade!

Taheen: My lovely friend! Sometimes we call her blue! 6th grade Clocky! In 7th grade now!

Megan: She's my friend from STALL and my cool funny friend! She's the 6th grade Sally! Now in 7th grade!

Zaria: my cool peep! Funny and always happy! (Love ya sista )

Janae: My friend who's the 6th grade Lost Silver!

Jered: Sandra's Ex Boyfriend who is now just her good friend! He is the 8th grade Tails! Now attending high school (9th grade)!

Breanna: My Year book club buddy! In 8th grade now! Her sisters are Patricia and DeLeana!

Patricia: My Year book club buddy! Attending high school (9th grade) now!

Daleena: My sixth grade buddy and year book club buddy! Don't ever give her soda! XD now In 7th grade!

Anna: My glee club friend! I knew her since fourth grade I believe! 6th grade slender! In 7th grade now!

Alissa: My Bestie from 6h grade! She helps me when I'm feeling bad. 6th grade Lui! 7th grade now!

Taylor: My awesome friend from my school! 6th grade LJ! Now in 7th grade!

Rosaliaa: always there when I'm down no matter what even when my other friends don't not is or are busy messing with eachother. 7th grade now!

Andy: My 29 year old step bro! My awesome Pewdiepie/Smosh bro! I'm trying to get him to watch Tobuscus and Mr.Creepypasta. The only Tobuscus vid he saw so far was Pewds Vs. Toby.

Regan: My friend since fourth. 6th grade smile dog! 7th grade now!

Raegan: My other friend Reagan from my school! 6th grade masky! She's my cheesecake buddy! In 7th grade now!

Kira/Kira-Kun: 7th grade hoodie and masky! My anime buddy from river city gymnastics and school! 8th grade now!

Destiny: My other anime buddy! Her sister is my friend Payton from elementary! 8th grade now!

Jazmin: My anime buddy in 8th grade! She is now attending high school (9th grade)!

Payton: Destiny's little sis. She's the nicest person I know! I've known her since third grade! 7th grade now!

Elaina: My Bestie from River City Gym! Loves to draw! One of the best artists I know! She's an awesome friend! She's now in 7th grade but doesn't go to the same school.

Isabelle: My bestie since third grade! Always stole my snacks (remember that Izzy? XD) she calls me marsh potatoes. She's in Florida and 7th grade now!

Sara: my cool RP buddy on wattpad who I wish I really knew and met! It's killing me SOOO bad! She's my TheSeer/AdventureTime/RegularShow/5SOS/Spongebob/Creepypasta/SouthPark/ETC buddy! ( she could possibly be my sista from anotha mista.)

Skylar: Best friends with Alissa and my friend!

Johnathan Suarez- He's my friend since first. We used to call eachother sugar mama" and "sugar daddy" but we never new what that meant until now so.... 0-0. He bullied me in fourth but we soon became friends and I've had a crush on him for a while. He doesn't go to my middle school. Maybe he'll come to my school next year! Hey it's a possibility! Dallas did as I prayed! Maybe John will! I can dream! He's in 7th now!

Jay Gavin- My Friend and also old boyfriend.

He used to be a trouble maker but he's not bad anymore. 6th grade with me!

Madylnn/Madie: my RCGSA friend she does gymnastics.shes not going to my school. (River City Gymnastics And Cheer) In 7th now but not at my school!

Madison: My awesome buddy! She loves JackFrostXTangled and I call her Scarecrow! In 8th grade now!

Lauren: our schools 7th grade slender! Now in 8th grade!

Aden: My 8th grade friend. We were friends in 1st but I moved to Ukraine for 8 months and came back and had to start 1st again while he was in 2nd as I said in the beginning! He's in 8th now!

Gerald Harris: Sandra's big bro. We are friendemies! More of enemies! In 8th grade now!

Jalien: My good friend in middle school. He's now attending High School (9th Grade)

Dallas: Ex Boyfriend who cheated on me and Sandra at the same time. (Player) he's in 7th now!

Josh: He's my ex and we are still friends and be as well is a player. He's in 7th now!

Wendy: My Teacher/Friend from river city gym. She's an awesome person! Her daughter Kayla is one of my friends but I haven't seen her in almost two years!

Bob/Daniel,: our quiet but smart lunch buddy! (My friends call him Daniel but I call him bob cause we all used to call him that!) in 7th grade now!

Duc: our cute little lunch buddy who always sits next to bob!

Nicholas/Nick: Known as my Class Clown/Wierd/Pizza buddy. (In "Life living with the pastas") he's an awesome person! But sadly he moved to Washington on the last day of school and he can't give out his phone number. He's in 7th grade now!

Troy: He acts as my guardian and had a crush in me back in sixth grade. He's my friend like Nick! But he's not going to the same school either! He's now in 7th grade!

Mr.Cepeda/Mr.Cp: My awesome sixth grade counselor I can still go to when I want to talk! I like to call him Mr.CP and he lets me! We are 80s buddies! We sang karaoke with my friend Anna at a glee club party (what is love by Haddaway) XD. Yes CP is my way of saying Creepypasta or Mr.Creepypasta.

Mrs.Draiper: The best writing teacher ever! She enjoys my class stories or my stories I write for fun! I'm now going to take an advanced writing class next year.

Mrs.Latimer: She is the 7th grade advanced/PRE-AP writing teacher. I will be in her class next year.

Mr.Rueben: boys and girls club teacher.

Mrs.MicMillian: My Orchestra Teacher next year! She's a really amazing teacher! I have her an idea' for a song we can play next year from Lindsey Stirling (Moon Trance or Crystallized). She was Sandra Skylar as Alissa's teacher lays year and next year too (ad ancestry orchestra).

Mrs.Moylan: The librarian! I used to go to the library almost every day when I started school to check out books. She is also my Book Club teacher!

Mrs.Carreon: She Loves One Republic! (Who doesn't?!) she was my art teacher and she was the creator of the Year Book Club! She's a fun teacher!

Mrs.B: She was my theater teacher but sadly retired. Sixth grade was her last year. She always helped me with my acting and she was my teacher that I practiced with for the program STALL where I had preformed my solo humorous speech/act for 5 competitions.


And that's all for now! Maybe I'll make new friends this year! And Maybe, JUST MAYBE, Johnathan will be there! I'll keep praying like I did for Dallas, which was a big mistake! Any Whoo, bye my Mashins!


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