11-23-14: (11-21-14) Part 1 *DIALOGUE VERSION*

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*I'm staring this with Second Period Science;

(My P.O.V)

I sat in my Science Class silently, slightly Angry, and depressed. I covered my face with my hands for a moment taking a few deep breathes processing what had just happened.

What Just Happened...?
Why Would She Say That.....?
Am I Really.....?
I'm Not A......
I Didn't Even Do Anything.....
It's Not My Freakin Fault....
What The Hell Is Happening...?

The questions raced through my mind. I felt sick and upset. The urge to puke ran through me but I held back.

I've never felt this upset to have been holding puke in. Literally.

"Hey Maria What Was That About?"

I looked to my side to see one of my best friends Trinity. "Oh.....um....well you see..."

I explained everything to Trinity. She nodded understanding. Her lips slowly curved into a frown. "Your sitting with me and Madison at lunch. What do you have before lunch?"

"Alright well We'll meet you by the stairs and we'll go to the same lunch line and eat together."

I gave alittle smile at her caring reaction. "Thanks." "Hey, no problem. Just let her calm herself." I nodded.

"I'm going to talk to her." She said.
"Huh? What do you mean?" "I have her next period in PE."

"Oh. Um, if you do try not to fight, alright?"
"Yeah, Ok."

"Alright, Everyone," Mrs.Lopez, my science teacher said. "As you all remember, yesterday we had did our searching for our Catastrophic events project. Today we will be confining with our Chrome Books (Laptops). Now, we have a choice to either make a brochure, or for the very artistic kids in this class you can make a booklet about the events. Raise your hands for the booklet. Now, I'm only giving them to you if you'll do the art and be artistic not draw stick figures."

I raised my hand as did Nick, Trinity, Chris and a few others. Mrs.Lopez looked at me. "Maria? Are you going to make the booklet over the break?" I nodded.

"OOO She Can draw!" Trinity and Chris said.
I shook my head. I hated when people said I could do this and that. "Pst Maria!" I turned to the table across from me. Saul looked at me giving a thumbs up. "You Got Dis! Yeah you got dis!" He winked at me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

We got our booklets and very one else got a
Brochure paper. "Now everyone go and pick out a chrome book." Mrs.Lopez said.

We all got ourselves a Chrome Book and started working.

Later, Trinity began putting her stuff away. "I Can Just do The Research at home."

I nodded in agreement and put my stuff up and started to write in my black duct-tape journal.

I wanted to finish writing my story chapter , "Faded Smile" but only got two pages done by the end of class.


I quickly gathered my things as the bell rang and ran into Mr.Lopez's Social Studies.

I was the first into class as always. I ran to my seat. By my side was an empty seat and in front of me stood two facing me at our group of four. Brandon Thomas And some other boy sat at our table.

Only one person was missing.

My friend Daleena. But She'd be back. She went on a vacation for the Thanksgiving break to Kansas with her family.

I still sat alone though. Especially today. In a day when I needed someone to cheer me up. Daleena was one of those people. But she wasn't there.

I finished my work early as usual and raised my hand. Mr.Lopez took my work and I sat writing in my journal again.

A few minutes later, everyone was sitting in different spots talking with there friends.

I found the table- the one I used to sit in weeks ago- was empty. I went to the corner seat at the group table and say with my head down, with my stuff at the side of me.

I closed my eyes and started thinking about the past...... How Sandra and I used to be so close.....how we always had fun.....then I remembered the time in second grade when Trinity, Sandra And I climbed up on each other and made a cheerleading triangle at recess.

A tear formed and dropped as the memory faded to the last few years. Everything went to the present and I kept thinking.

Everything was so fine and happy back then...but now everything's fading.....I've lost my best friend......everyone's changed....

More tears fell onto the marble-like desk and my nose clogged. The nauseated feeling returned as I held my breath trying not to puke.

When the bell rang for class everyone left.
I was the only one there.

I wiped my eyes quickly and went outside. My friend Kenyala stood by the door waiting to walk with me to PE. "What happened?"

I shook my head. "You don't wanna talk about it?" I shook my head again. "Well alright. C'mon let's go to gym." We both walked down the hallway and down the catwalk.

As we went down I hoped Sandra wouldn't say something else mean to me.

But as we went down Sandra walked past me and my puking urge came again. N-Not Again, I thought. She walked past us towards the hallway.

Kenyala and I walked to PE.

After we changed into our gym clothes, Coach explained that we were playing Basketball at each hoop (6 hoops).

At least it was Coach Johnson's Birthday so we got to play my favorite sport. But then again I wasn't in a good mood to play it.

Kenyala and I got into the same group as we usually did in PE, With the kids no one ever really picked in PE.
Pantera, Kenyala, Martha, Anna, Maria (another Maria), Tabitha, Mekela and I went against other teams.

Towards the end of class, I still couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and everything and felt sick again.

I felt the tears, threaten me once again and asked couch to use the restroom.

I ran into the restroom and sat on the toilet covering my face with my hands, chanting to myself. "I'm Not Going To Puke, I Will Not Puke,"

After a few minutes I rinsed my face with cold water and wiped it.

I went back into the gym and continued playing basketball with the others.

Coach blowed the whistle and we all ran to change clothes again.

As Kenyala and I Changed we went to sit by the door with Mekela. "This is our own little group and spot." Kenyala said. The two talked as I wrote. Kenyala decided she'd sit with me and with Trinity at lunch.

When the bell rang we left.

A sickening stomach flew over me again.

"Here Goes Lunch Time~" I muttered nervously.


Alright you guys this is part one of what happened a few days ago on Friday. It's currently Sunday- no Monday now. I'll be writing PART 2 next- tomorrow because it's currently 12:58am and I told my mom is go to bed at 12.

So I'll write the rest if what happened later Today or should I say Tomorrow.



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