Chapter 3

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When Alec woke up he felt like he was being kicked over and over again which wasn't a good way to wake up. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a bathtub and when he tried to move he realized he was taped up with duct tape. He groaned at being stuck in a situation like this again.

Alec was kicked again causing him to look up and see Liam in the same situation he is in which concerned him. He started trying to remember where he was before he woke up in the bathtub. The last thing he realized he could remember was Liam yelling for him and seeing McCall. All at once the memories of fighting the bloody boy came back to him causing him to stiffen.

He started working at getting rid of the tape on his mouth by moving it around with his jaw and licking the bits that he could reach so it eventually fell off most of his face. Liam looked at him shocked at what he just did but he just shrugged.

"Not the first time I've been in a situation like this." Alec acknowledged. Liam couldn't believe that he said it in such a nonchalant way, something was wrong with this guy. Apparently, Liam wasn't the only one that heard him.

"What do you mean you've been in a situation like this before?" Spaz looked at him worried but also kind of intrigued. Out of everything he expected to hear when he saw the tape off of Alec’s mouth that wasn’t one of them.

"Just that this isn't the first time I woke up in a bathtub tied up. Although last time there was much more blood and I was alone."

"Out of everyone it had to be these two huh Scott. Out of everyone it had to be the kid who got kicked out," Spaz said to Scott, which makes Spaz, Stiles Alec remembered the girl yelling, gesturing to Liam. "And this.. this psycho."

"Step closer and I can show you just how much of a psycho I can be." Alec snarled shifting himself closer to Stiles who jumped back right into Scott. He smirked at the obvious fear in his eyes.

"I never thought I'd say this but Derek could take some tips from him in the scary department." Stiles composed himself before taking a step forward, albeit a very small step forward.

"Scott I was being serious. I mean look at him, he can't even get the tape off after watching Alec do it first." Scott and Alec looked at Liam and watched as he moved his face around all weird trying to get the tape to move but wasn't having any success. Alec couldn't help but shake his head at how pathetic the boy looked.

"How about we put some tape on you and see how far you could make it without any help." Alec gritted out not liking the look on Stiles’ face as he looked at Liam.

"How are you gonna do that if you're stuck in there huh?" Stiles asked before taking a step forward and poking Alex on his forehead. Alec snapped his teeth forward almost catching Stiles' finger in his mouth. Stiles yelped as he pulled his hand far away from Alec.

"Don't test me. I'm sure I've been in more situations like this then you ever have."

"Enough you two. Stiles let's just get them out of there." Scott and Stiles moved towards the boys in the tub before grabbing one each almost dragging them to what must have been Scott's bedroom.

"Liam we are going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?" Stiles said while eyeing Alec. Liam ended up nodding after a second of thinking. "Okay." Stiles pulled the tape off causing Liam to grimace and Alec to glare at Stiles.

"Okay. Now you two have seen a lot of confusing things tonight, one of you even fought that confusing thing. But more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?" Stiles explained. What he was trying to explain at all was a mystery to everyone else in the room.

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