Chapter 10

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It was Saturday, but Alec had to be at the school with the juniors that we're taking their PSATs because he decided he wanted to make up all the tests from the first semester. Now he was seriously regretting that decision. Coach was the one that set him up in the room with every test he needed to do. It was probably around twenty tests and he had a little over three hours to take them all.

"Alright kid. Get going. I'm going to get some coffee before I have to administer the PSATs to the juniors. After that I'll be back to collect all the tests." Coach nodded before turning to leave. Although on his way out he dropped his ink case for his stamps and when it hit the ground it broke open and the ink got all over the place. "Fuck! Pretend I never said that. I need to go get more. You clean this up ok."

Coach walked out of the room before Alec could protest having clean it all up by himself. He grabbed a handful of tissues and got down next to the mess on the floor and started putting tissues on it. When he went to get up to grab more tissues he stuck his entire hand into one of the spots of ink causing his hand to turn black.

"You know what. Fuck this." Alec didn't have the time to clean this up so he just left it as it was and started on his tests as he scrubbed his hand trying to get it off him. A couple of tests in Alec started to feel really sick.

Alec got up and decided to take a restroom break but what he saw when he got in there had him freaking out. His eyes were glowing gold and his teeth were out. He couldn't control it. Nothing he would do would make them go back to normal. He never had trouble with this so he knew it had to be an outside factor doing this to him. He took out his phone and texted Stiles.

‘Something's wrong I'm at the school you and the others have to get out’

‘Stiles I'm losing control it's something at the school you guys have to get out.’

As he waited for an answer he watched as his claws grew. He looked back into the mirror and saw his eyes still glowing but his teeth were back to normal. He ran back to the classroom and something outside caught his eye. There were tons of people outside including the police. Something was extremely wrong. He saw the sheriff talking to some guy in a suit so he did his best to listen to what they were saying but it was too far away so he only got a few words here and there. The words 'quarantine' and 'assassin' were the ones that worried him the most.

He started to leave the classroom hoping to find Stiles and warn him about an assassin in the building but he got really dizzy as he was walking down the hallway. He slid down the wall unable to hold himself up anymore, he texted Stiles once again.

‘I can't walk anymore I don't know how much longer I have stay safe’

‘Tell Lilian that I love her’

He knew he couldn't stop, that he would probably die if he stopped, so he kept on crawling. Someone kicked his arm out from underneath him making his head slam against the floor. The person pushed him over so he was laying on his back then stomped on his ribs. Alec felt at least three of his ribs break from the pressure. When he looked up he saw a middle aged man with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Well well well. I wasn't expecting to see you here, but it is a pleasant surprise." The man said. Alec knew he was the one responsible for whatever was happening to him.

"Wow you've got the whole 'evil villain' speech down." Alec whimpered out. Each breath feeling like he was being stabbed. The man put one leg on top of Alec's hurting chest and pushed down causing Alec to whimper.

"I would be careful on how you talk to me. I do seem to be the one in control here." The man sneered adding more weight to Alec's chest. Alec wanted to scream but refused to give the man the pleasure of hearing it.

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