Chapter 1

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“Alec Grey you better get your ass out of bed and ready for school. You already missed the bus.” Alec groaned and rolled out of his bed, annoyed with his dad for making him go to school already.

“We literally moved in yesterday. Why do I need to go to school today?” If his father heard him, he completely ignored him. Alec grumbled to himself while getting ready, before going to wake his little sister up.

“Hey Lil. Time to get up and get ready for school, alright?” He barely got through his sentence before the eleven year old was jumping out of bed, excited for her first day. Alec watched as she rushed around her room grabbing whatever she thought she would need for school and shoving it into her bag.

“Let’s go Lilian, you’re going to miss your bus!” Alec sighed as Lilian ran down the stairs following their father's voice out of the door, barely getting a ‘Love you Alec’ out before he heard the door slam.

“I guess I have to walk then.” Alec jumped off his sisters bed before going downstairs to grab an apple to eat on the way. The walk to Beacon Hills High wasn’t a long one as long as he took a shortcut through the woods that’s behind his house.

When Alec walked into the school the bell for home room had already rung. When he finally found his way to the office he saw a man waiting by the door, continuously looking down at his watch. When he saw Alec through the window he rushed over to him with a some paper in his hand.

“Mr. Grey, I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it or not,” The man Alec assumed to be the principal said  while checking his watch again. Alec had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the man, “ It’s no matter. I’m sure you just couldn’t find your way to the office. This time Alec did roll his eyes.

    “If by I couldn’t find my way to the office means I slept in and missed the bus, then yeah let's go with that.” To Alec’s surprise the principal let out a loud laugh before sending Alec a smile.

“Yes let's go with that. Anyway, I’m principal Thomas and here is your schedule. Usually, I would go over the school’s rules with you but the bell is about to ring so I'll just let that go for now,” As if on cue the bell for the first period rang causing the few students lingering in the halls to start heading to their class. “Now how about I show you to where your locker is, then ill take you to your first period which is Biology. I have a student who is willing to show you around to your other classes today if you would like. You’ll be able to meet him in your first period, so we better go.”

When they made it to Alec’s first-period principal Thomas left Alec in the front of the class to fend for himself. As the teacher started talking about making him feel welcomed Alec took a look around the room noticing a dark-haired boy that was staring at him. The boy's mouth was wide open causing Alec to smirk, finding the boys expression funny. Another boy, this one has blonde hair, next to the dark haired one saw what the boy was doing so he smacked him before sending him a ‘get yourself together’ look, which almost made Alec laugh.

“Mr. Grey, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?” Alec almost groaned after hearing those dreaded words. He probably would have made some smart remark if this class wasn’t Biology, which is one of his favorite subjects and he didn’t want the teacher to hate him on his first day. Instead of being an ass he decided to give a simple reply.

“No thanks.” Before the teacher, that he didn’t even remember the name of, could say anything he was already walking to the back of the class and taking the empty seat behind the dark-haired boy, who was still staring at him.

“Well alright, um, let’s keep working on those worksheets then.” The teacher seemed flustered and almost unsure of what just happened, causing Alec to smirk once again before turning his attention to the dark haired boy who has now turned around in his seat looking at him. Alec could his blond friend next to him facepalming while looking at his friend before sending an apologetic look Alec’s way. The teacher handed Alec two worksheets detailing the different parts of the cell, she told him they were due at the end of class but if he needed more time he could turn them in the next day.

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