Chapter 23

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Alec and Stiles were hanging out in Stiles' room before the lacrosse game. They were doing homework together despite being in separate grades. Stiles figured out that Alec was pretty much a genius. He was in advanced math and biology plus he also took chemistry despite not being in the right grade to take that. Suddenly Noah burst into the room.

"Drop what you're doing. I'm taking you both out to dinner. Whatever you want." Noah exclaimed happily. Alec smiled seeing the man so happy knowing he helped at least a little bit.

"Dad, I don't think a man of your debts should be treating anyone to anything." Stiles said. Alec rolled his eyes knowing that Stiles stll didn't believe a word he said about paying everything off.

"Well, we no longer have to worry about any debt." Noah told him sending a glance at Alec. Stiles noticed the envelope that Noah was holding and got curious.

"What is that?" He asked pointing at the envelope.

"A letter of apology from Eichen House. Apparently, they've decided to pay us some extra money since our debt was already paid by Alec. They wanted to give a compensation since you know you and Lydia almost got murdered." Noah told them making Alec raise his eyebrows and for Stiles to look at Alec.

"They can do that?" Alec asked never hearing of something like that happening.

"They can do it and they did it." Noah told him still grinning.

"So you were serious huh?" Stiles asked Alec. He couldn't believe that Alec would do that but at the same time Alec did say he would do anything for him.

"Yep." Alec nodded.

"I can definitely afford to take my son and his boyfriend out to dinner. Alec, what's your favorite food?" Noah asked the younger boy who thought for a second.


"So Stiles how'd you tell your dad." Alec asked after they started walking down to the cars.

"He ran into the house then screamed. When I asked what happened he said that you said yes then passed out. I used context clues to figure the rest out." Noah answered instead making Alec laugh out loud and Stiles to turn a deep shade of red. Stiles sputtered trying to say something that would make it seem better but he couldn't think of anything at all. That made Alec laugh even harder.


After dinner with Noah, Stiles and Alec had to be at the high school for their game against Davenport Prep. Scott and Kira were nowhere to be found and Liam looked like he was going to have a panic attack without Scott around.

"Everything's fine." Alec told him not wanting to deal with a freaked out Liam.

"I got a text from him this morning and he said he might be a little late." Stiles said. Liam didn't look any better in fact he might have looked worse. If Alec didn't know any better he would have assumed that Liam and Scott were dating or something. Liam would be the clingy one in the relationship.

"Well, how late is late? Is he always late? We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game." Liam asked. The kid looked like he was going to break down and cry any second now. Alec couldn't help but wonder if Scott was like this when he was first bit too. Liam kept mumbling things to himself about Scott. "He shouldn't be late."

"Who shouldn't be late?" Coach asked coming up from behind the three boys scaring the shit out of Stiles.

"Scott and Kira." Alec answered shrugging.

"They might be slightly late." Stiles told him after his heart started to properly work again. Alec sent him an amused glance.

"Slightly late is still late. What are they doing?" Coach asked getting slightly annoyed. Alec rolled his eyes knowing that coach couldn't be that oblivious. Everyone could feel the sexual tension between the two of them.

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