Chapter 4

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Alec, Mason, and Liam were walking down the hall after 4th period. They were having an in-depth conversation about the book they were reading in English. They couldn’t believe that Piggy was crushed and Mason definitely wasn’t happy about it.

"Oh guys. Garrett and Violet are coming to mine around nine for a movie night if you two want to come." Mason told Liam and Alec making sure it was obvious that Alec was also invited.

"I'm surprised Garret agreed to another one. Last time he just complained about it being boring." Liam grinned. Knowing that Violet had something to do with Garret agreeing.

"Well Violet agreed, but wherever Violet goes Garrett goes." Bingo.

"I don't know. It depends on if my parents are working the night shift or not." Alec said. He knew he could go but he honestly didn't know if he wanted to. Spending time with 2 people he barely knows, 1 person he kinda knows, and the only person he might actually consider his friend didn't sound all that appealing to him.

"I'll be good to go." Liam said glancing at Alec then back to Mason with a bright smile on his face.

"Alright cool. Alec just text me or something when you figure it out." Mason said. He went on to say something else to Liam before realizing that he wasn't paying attention in the slightest.

When Alec and Mason followed his gaze they saw an admittedly attractive girl walking down the stairs seemingly looking at both Liam and Alec. Alec raised his eyebrow unimpressed by the girl while Liam seemed to be in some kind of trance.

When she was about halfway down the flight of stairs she tripped, sending her tumbling down the rest of the stairs. Alec choked out a surprised laugh causing Liam to glare at him and pull the both of them over to the girl that was still laying on the ground. Liam asked the girl if she was alright causing her to look up at them surprised.

She looked at Liam and saw the sincere look on his face then turned to Alec who had a smirk on his face looking like he wanted to laugh while somehow also looking extremely unimpressed with her. Alec just raised his brow waiting for her to say something.

"How would the two of you like to go to a party with me tonight?" She asked sweetly. Liam's eyes went wide with surprise but also excitement and Alec's smirk only grew but otherwise stayed the same. The girl couldn't read Alec's expression making it hard to know if he would accept or not but she could only pray that he does.

"Um yeah, yes. That'd be great! Right Alec?" Liam exclaimed unable to believe that someone like that girl would ask him to a party. Alec only shrugged but Liam knew that that meant he would go, "Awesome. We’d love to."


"Alec! Good you're home." He heard Lilian yell before he even made it all the way into the house. "I have so much to tell you, but first. How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. No pain." He didn't which was really weird. Alec has been injured many times just as bad as what happened to him last night and never once has he felt fine the next day.

"No dummy. I'm not talking about your injuries. I meant in general." Lilian rolled her eyes as if that was the most obvious thing ever which made Alec scoff.

"Fine? I guess? Today was a little weird but I'm alright."

"Ok now I'm going to ask you a series of questions. Ready?" Lilian walked off towards the living room probably wanting to get comfortable for the interrogation that's bound to come.

"Do I have a choice?" Alec followed already knowing the answer.

"Nope! Now how would you describe your senses today? Better then usual?" Lilian might have been a weird kid with even weirder questions but this takes the crown for weird and absurd questions.

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