Chapter 18

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"Help us! Help us! Someone, help!" Lydia screamed hoping that someone would hear them and help them.

"Lydia, there's a lot of people screaming for help in a place like this. I don't think anyone's listening." Stiles reasoned.

"Well, I'm open to better ideas. Because if you didn't notice, all of those suicides were murders." Lydia huffed. She knew he was right but they needed to get out of there or else they'd end up just like her grandmother.

"That's why she left you the message." Stiles put together.
"She predicted her own death. She knew I'd figure it out."

"Once you were able to predict your own. But they weren't murders. I'm not some serial killer like Ted Bundy going around cutting up college girls." Brunski said while walking into the room.

"No, you're just an Angel of Death." Stiles sarcastically said. Lydia shook her head not wanting Stiles to do something stupid to get himself killed. She didn't forget that she wrote his name on that list.

"I don't think you understand my level of commitment to my work here, Stiles. There are people here who don't simply need treatment. They need release. I helped them. I helped Lorraine." Brunski got into Stiles face as if that was to show how much he meant what he said. The only thing Stiles could think of was how nasty his breath was.

"You killed her." Lydia whispered feeling extremely sad.

"I helped her. And now you can help me. Because there is something about it that's always bothered me." Brunski whispered in Lydia’s ear.


"Jordan, my man, you have got to step on it." Alec told the man who was doing just above the speed limit despite the dire situation they were in.

"Alec I'm already doing five above. What do you expect me to do? If we get pulled over then we are absolutely no help at help." Parrish said but he speed up another five miles per hour. Alec rolled his eyes before smirking.

"I've got an idea." Alec flicked the switch that caused the police lights to turn on. "Viola."

"Do I want to know how you knew what that switch did?" Parrish chuckled raising his brow. Parrish didn't know what to think of Alec, but he found the boy funny.

"Eh I've been in a police car tons of times. You tend to learn a thing or two." Alec smirked wanting to see Parrish's reaction.

"I know what you mean." Parrish winked at Alec before looking back at the road trying not to get them killed. Alec was left speechless with his mouth hanging wide open. The only thing running through his mind was how cool Parrish was.


Brunski put in a cassette tape that was labeled 'Lorraine Martin'. Lydia closed her eyes as a tear went down her cheek.

"What are you Brunski, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, Lorraine. It's going to be all right. You're just going to have a little trouble breathing."

"Lydia, look at me. Don't listen. Okay, don't listen to it. Just focus on my voice, Lydia. Don't listen to it, block it out. Okay? Lydia?" Stiles told Lydia trying to get her to stop listening to the tape of her grandmother dying. Since Lydia didn't seem to be listening  he yelled at Brunski instead.

"Hey, turn it off! Stop!" Brunski turned and punched Stiles as hard as he could right across the face.

"Then listen Just listen. I need your help with this, Lydia." He grabbed Lydia by the face and tilted her head towards him.

"Please don't.."

"Here it is. This is the part I never understood. Listen." He told her before gripping her harder.

"Please don't hurt her."

"Don't hurt who?"


Lydia felt like a piece of her died. Her grandmother's last thoughts and words were about protecting her.


"Let's go. We're almost there. Hustle Parrish." Alec pressured. He was scared for his friends and he wished he would have went with them in the first place.

"Alec I literally can't go faster or we will probably die. I'm already going eighty." Parrish told him trying to get him to calm down and be a little patient.

"Ok ok cool cool cool." Alec said trying to calm down but it wasn't working in the slightest. His mind kept going to what he saw in his 'dream' while he was basically dead. He made a promise and he planned on keeping it.


"We get a lot of teenagers trying to break into our drug cabinets. Most of the time they don't succeed. But you two look pretty clever to me." Brunski told Lydia and Stiles while grabbing a box of some kind. They guessed it had some strong drugs in it.


Parrish and Alec ran to the front desk where the guy wouldn't listen to anything they were saying since the boys didn't have a warrant. Alec wasn't going to wait for Parrish to convince the dude to let past. Alec sprinted off to where he could smell Stiles. He could only hope that they were going to be ok.


"I'll admit, Stiles, I don't have any unusual talents like Lydia, but, somehow, I just knew we were gonna get a chance to do this again." Brunski said while filling a needle with whatever drug he thought was strong enough to cause them to overdose.

"No. No. No. No!" Brunski went to stab the needle into Stiles neck. Alec came out of nowhere and grabbed Brunski and shoved him against the filing cabinets.

"You. Don't. Get. To. Touch. Him." Alec growled. Brunski stabbed the needle into Alec's neck and started to inject the drug into his system. He emptied about half of it before Parrish walled in with his gun trained on Brunski.

"Drop it. Take your thumb off that needle and slowly withdraw it from his neck." Alec shifted his body so that Parrish had a clear shot into Brunski ' chest.

"Young Deputy. You're just a kid. I bet you've never even fired a..." Brunski didn't get to finish his sentence because Parrish shot him right in the chest. Alec slumped down next to Stiles, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Stiles reached out and grabbed Alec's hand. Stiles kept the hand that was holding onto Alec's hand feeling his pulse making sure he was ok.

"He He killed my grandmother. He was controlling Meredith. He used her to create the dead pool. And killed her when she tried to help us." Lydia told Parrish as he untied her and Stiles. As soon as Stiles was free he rushed to Alec and put his head in his lap.

"You You think it was me? That I was controlling her? Idiots She was controlling me." Brunski gurgled out before losing too much blood.

"Oh, God. It's not him. He's not The Benefactor." Lydia said. All of them knew what Brunski was implying but they couldn't believe it. She was supposed to be dead. Alec was trying to comprehend what was being said but his mind was all fuzzy and groggy. Alec swore that he was never doing drugs if this was what he'd feel like.

"No. And He wasn't on my list. But he was a bad person." Meredith walked through the doorway, proving that she was alive.

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