Chapter 25

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Alec and Mason started to wake up after being knocked out by the berserker. They each opened their eyes to see Lydia leaning over them.

"Are you okay?" She asked them as they started to sit up.

"My head Oh." Mason mumbled holding his hand to his forehead.

"Fuck." Alec turned away from the other two looking around the room while gripping his head.

"Yeah, it's probably gonna hurt a lot." Lydia told them while glancing at Alec before turning back to Mason.

"There was this guy. Huge, really huge. He had a, a skull on his face." Mason described to Lydia. He was thoroughly freaked out and he didn't understand why Lydia and Alec seemed pretty calm about all of this.

"Yeah. I know. I saw it, too." Lydia put a hand on his shoulder hoping to calm him down.

"My phone's gone." Mason started freaking out even more.

"Yeah. I think that's the point." Lydia told him smiling a little bit hoping he will calm down.

"And I think I have a concussion. Again." Alec muttered worrying the other two.

"Okay. Well, why, what's he gonna do to us?" Mason asked wanting to know what was going on.

"I don't know. But it definitely doesn't want us to leave." Alec walked around a corner trying to find a way out when he saw the berserker walking past the doorway. He immediately threw himself back around the corner, head spinning.

"Lydia, why do you keep saying "it"? What is that thing?" Mason glanced at Alec but turned his attention back to the coherent one.

"Not human." Lydia whispered as it growled possibly from seeing Alec before he went back around the corner.


"How do I even have service? Hi, Dad. Okay, Dad, I know you're angry." Stiles muttered as he walked away from the group.

"Oh, I'm beyond angry. I've reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend." Stiles flinched knowing whatever he had to say wasn't going to be good and cursed his luck on having service.

"Okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me."

"Ground you? Ground you? I'm going to hobble you! I'm going to take Alec away from you." Noah knew Stiles wouldn't care about being grounded, but getting Alec taken away would be horrible for him. Stiles gasped not even wanting to think about that happening. "Now, please, tell me you're all right. Tell me that you're safe."

"You want me to lie?" Stiles asked looking back at Peter. He kept thinking about what Alec warned him about Peter and he didn't plan on taking it lightly.

"Oh, God. Okay. Tell me, tell me what I can do. How can I help?" Noah asked knowing the only thing he could do know was help.

"Lydia. She was at the school we sent Alec to go look for her but now we're not hearing back from either of them.
I don't know, Dad, I don't know what I'm doin'. You know, I'm just I'm trying to save my friends." Stiles was on the verge of a panic attack just thinking about what could have happened to Alec. He wished he would just answer.

"Okay. I'll find Lydia and Alec. You get Scott and Kira. You save your friends." Noah assured him knowing having a panic attack wouldn't help Stiles in the slightest.

"Dad, if it's one of the Berserkers at the school, you're gonna need firepower. A lot." Stiles told him before hanging up and going back to the group. They were going to save their friends and Stiles was going to see Alec very soon.

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