Chapter 20

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"They'll be okay. They've got claws and fangs. But they're not fighters." Derek told Scott who just finished talking to Alec about how Stiles was doing.

"That's why I called you." Scott told him. Knowing that Derek would be able to help protect them.

"Well, try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either." Derek reminded them which made Braden walk in behind him.

"That's why he called me." She told them cocking her gun.

"And that's why I'm here." Alec said showing off his claws.

"Am I the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm? I mean, it's possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens. Right?" Kira asked them. The other four knew that most likely wouldn't be the case. They should be ready for anything especially an attack.

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?" Argent asked coming up to all of them.

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith." Scott nodded.

"Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house. They're trying to stop it." Alec told them while checking his phone.

"What if there is no stopping it? What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?" Brett asked. Everyone could tell he was scared out of his mind, but Alec saw the fire behind his eyes. He knew he would fight to protect his pack. No matter the cost.

"Then let's send a message." Alec told them. Everyone could see the look in his eyes and they knew he was going to enjoy sending whatever message he wanted.

"Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money, is gonna be put on another list. Our list." Derek yelled agreeing with Alec. This was something they talked about before. Why not fight back and make them too scared to come after them. Let them know they mean business.

"They get to be a name on our dead pool." Alec finished smirking at everyone, showing how serious he was.


"I remember meeting you, but you weren't a Buddhist back then." Alec heard Argent say to Satomi. Alec knew he wasn't apart of the conversation but he listened in anyway hoping to maybe hear something about their past.

"And you weren't protecting werewolves. You were hunting them." Satomi accused, trying to gage if Argent really was done hunting her kind.

"Three things cannot long be hidden The sun. The moon. The truth. What exactly does that mean?" Argent asked not answering the unasked question. Alec tilted his head wondering where this whole thing was going.

"The truth cannot stay hidden." Satomi answered although Alec knew that wasn't what Argent was looking for.

"I know what the saying means. What does it mean for you?" He asked. Alec wanted to know why this mattered but he wasn't even supposed to be listening to this conversation so he stayed quiet.

"The truth for me is that we, my kind, are violent creatures, who eventually will not be able to control their violent impulses. The mantra helps us subdue our nature." Alec sneered. He didn't believe that every werewolf was a violent creature with violent impulses.

"But you're still violent creatures." Argent said which didn't make Alec any happier.

"Aren't we all?" Satomi said and Alec nodded. He could definitely see that. Everyone in his mind is a violent creatures, but werewolves aren't inherently more violent than anyone else. Before anything else was said their makeshift alarms went off. People were outside.

"They're coming." Argent said loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone rushed around grabbing weapons or trying to get to safety. One of the people from outside threw in a smoke grenade then three more followed the first. No one could see anything but they could hear many people rushing in and surrounding them. When the smoke started clearing out the gun fire started.

Alec turned to a guy who was standing close behind him and smashed his head against the wall, knocking him unconscious. Alec grabbed the guys gun and started taking out other hunters who were trying to go after Satomi's pack. When he ran out of ammo he quickly threw the gun at some guy smacking him across the face.

"How many are there?" Alec heard Kira yell from the midst of the fighting. Alec ran towards a guy and tackled him before choking him out.

"Too many!" He heard Scott yell to Kira. No matter how many they took care of more and more seemed to show up. It was a never ending cycle.

Alec yelled out suddenly feeling a bullet go into his stomach and not come back out. It was a burning feeling that just fueled his rage. He turned to the man that shot him and threw him across the warehouse right into a few other guys. Alec kept thinking about how Stiles better figure out a way to stop this or these guys better stop duplicating. If neither of those happens then they were pretty much doomed. Alec watched as Brett took down a guy who came up behind him.

"Get the others back. Tell them to hide." Scott told Brett wanting to make sure the pack was safe. He turned around and saw Alec with a bullet wound in his stomach, but before he could say anything Alec winked and ran off to take care of some more people.

Alec watched as Satomi's pack was pulled away by Brett to find somewhere to hide. Anyone that tried to follow them was taken out by Alec in one swift punch, he didn't want to waste time with theatrics.

"Brett? Brett, where are you?" Alec suddenly heard making him freeze. The young girl got separated from her pack and now she couldn't find them. A guy was sneaking up on her. Alec was all the way across the warehouse but he refused to let anything happen to her, so he took off into a sprint. He made it to the two of them within five seconds and tackled the man before he could hurt her. He smashed the man's head against the wall before pulling the girl into his chest. He didn't want her to see all of the destruction.

All of the men started to leave without any warning. No one knew why until Scott picked up one of the dead guys phones and saw a message from the Benefactor claiming that the deadpool was over. Everyone started coming out of hiding, excited at the news.

"Is it over? Really over?" Kira asked from beside Scott. Alec just smiled from where he was sitting with the girl.

"Looks like Stiles managed to figure it out." He smirked before leaning his head onto the girls shoulder trying to ignore the pain from the wound in his stomach.

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