Chapter 9

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Liam was getting really nervous now. It's been an hour since he woke up in a well and if it wasn't for the fact that Liam could see Alec's chest moving as he breathed then he would have mistaken him as dead. Liam kept trying to climb the well wall knowing it was the only way to save Alec from whatever Garrett stabbed him with. Over an hour later Alec finally woke up.

"What the fuck happened?" Alec asked once he saw Liam standing in front of him. The only thing Alec knew for certain was that he got stabbed. This isn't the first time he was stabbed but this time definitely hurt way more then before.

"Don't you remember? Garrett ambushed us then stabbed you. I guess he tossed us down here afterwards." Liam told Alec. He was starting to get concerned because Alec looked unfocused and like he was having trouble understanding Liam. Alec could feel the stab wound in his chest everytime he breathed and he was almost certain he had a concussion because of how hard he had to focus just to understand what Liam was telling him. He had very vague memories of Garrett and getting stabbed. He must have hit his head off the wall on the way down.

"I'm like 100 percent sure I have a concussion." Alec grumbled holding onto his head. "Have you tried climbing it yet?"

"Alec you've been out for two hours. Trust me I've tried to climb out plenty of times." Alec shoved himself off of the ground. After he was able to hold himself up without falling he hobbled closer to the wall and looked up. He grabbed on to one of the rocks above him and started to pull himself up. Liam grabbed onto him and pulled him off the wall before he could get up too far.

"What the fuck Liam?" Alec yelled shoving Liam off of him before grabbing onto his chest where he was stabbed.

"Look at you. You were fucking stabbed. I'm not letting you climb the stupid well." Alec rolled his eyes before shoving Liam against despite the stabbing pains.

"You said it yourself. You've been awake for two hours and you're still here. Doesn't seem you've made it too far." Liam growled, not liking the way Alec was talking to him. He shoved Alec with more strength then he meant to. Alec tripped over a rock and fell shoulder first into the side.

"Dude. What the hell is wrong with you?" Alec grunted standing back up. Liam was expecting a fight but was startled when Alec starting to breathe heavily and he fell onto the ground. Liam went to touch Alec's shoulder to see if he was okay but stopped when Alec growled at him. Liam has never seen Alec lose control, he has always been so in control of himself and watching him as he is losing control scared Liam.

"Alec are you.. are you okay?" Alec slammed his hand into the well wall making pieces of rock fall from the wall. Liam moved as far away from Alec as he could get which in such a small space wasn't that far away.

"I have an idea." Alec stated turning to Liam with his eyes glowing. Liam could have sworn his eyes flashed a different colour, but it went away just as fast as it came." Let me boost you up the well. I bet I could get you pretty fucking far."

"Alec you're hurt." Liam shook his head. He wasn't gonna let Alec do that when he was stabbed and still in a lot of pain.

"Liam. I'm going to die if we don't try something soon. Whatever was on the blade that I was stabbed with isn't letting me heal and I know I've already lost a lot of blood. So let's try this while we still can. Please." Alec knew that the only thing keeping him from falling over was the anger he felt at being so weak. He wasn't going to let some Ken doll kill him after everything he managed to survive through.

"Ok fine." Liam agreed with tears in his eyes. Now that he was paying attention he could see how even when standing up Alec was limp. He saw how Alec was having a difficult time keeping his head up and knew that he didn't have too much time left.

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