Chapter 21

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Alec was sat at one of the booths in the local diner. Across from him was an older women by at least six years. She was very beautiful with curly black hair and a deep brown eyes. She dressed like a teen to try and blend in but Alec knew she would never wear this if she was still in Chicago. In Chicago she has a reputation to upkeep and so she looks the part by dressing in business attire. Alec knew well how the police in Chicago would react to a black women dressed like she was now walking down the street. The business clothes are her first defense from those pigs.

"I was expecting to have at least another month to get this together." Chalice told him, upset at the trouble he was causing her. Alec knew she wouldn't hold it against him though. They were close. Chalice became like a mother to him and he couldn't be more grateful for what she's doing for him.

"I know, but something came up and I need it now." Alec wanted to tell her everything that's happened since he came, but he knew that she wasn't the person you could tell secrets to. She has no regards for keeping secrets no matter who it's for.

"I get it, but next time I'll need more of a warning to be able to get this much. I had to cash in a few favors myself." Chalice put a large book bag onto the table in between the two of them.

"It's all in there?" Alec asked glancing between the bag and the women in front of him.

"All two hundred fifty thousand." Chalice nodded. Alec thanked her and took his leave knowing such a large amount of money shouldn't stay out in public for too long.


Alec kept one hundred thousand dollars and left the rest hidden in his room. He had a plan and now that the money was here he could finally put it into action.

Alec walked to the hospital and found his way to the doctor that has been overseeing the Stilinski family everytime they come to the hospital. Alec knew the doctor wouldn't just tell Alec how much debt they were in, but he had an idea that will hopefully work. Alec also had to make sure to stay out of sight from Melissa McCall.

"Excuse me. You're the Stilinski families usual doctor right?" Alec asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Uh yes I am. Who are you?" The man asked. Alec wasn't going to tell him anything about himself, not wanting him to know who had this kind of money to toss around.

"Well not to long ago the sheriff saved my life and my family and I wanted to repay him somehow. Rumors about his debt at the hospital have been going around and my family has plenty of money to spare, so we were hoping we could pay it off for him." Alec told him playing up on the sympathy, hoping the doctor would let him.

"Well we aren't really supposed to let other people know about patient records, especially the monetary part of it all." The doctor admitted but Alec could tell he might relent and let Alec pay the bills off if he just played his cards right.

"Please doctor. I owe my life to this man and his family. Let me show my gratitude by taking the stress of the bills off of him. Please. It's the least I could do." Alec begged letting his eyes tear up in hope that the doctor would feel bad enough to let him do this. The doctor didn't say anything, but after a minute or so the doctor finally spoke again.

"Alright alright. Sheriff Stilinski deserves to be able to relax. Let's get this handled." The doctor led him to the receptionists desk and looked up how much the Stilinski's owed before turning back towards Alec, "They owe sixty-eight thousand."

Alec could tell that the doctor was expecting Alec to claim he didn't have the money to pay for all of that. Alec wasn't going to back down. The money Chalice gave him was separated into ten thousands so it's easier access. He grabbed seven bundles and handed them to the doctor.

"That's seventy thousand. Keep the change as a tip." Alec told the doctor who was staring at him in shock. The doctor just nodded his head and marked the Stilinski's payment as 'paid in full'. Alec nodded his thanks to the doctor and quickly left the building. He has one last place to stop before heading to hang out with Stiles, they had another Star Wars movie to watch.


Alec walked up the stairs and into the extremely old building. He walked to the receptionists desk and stood there until the woman who was sitting there acknowledged him.

"Can I help you?" She asked bored of the conversation already. Alec didn't bother answering, he just pulled the last three bundles and slammed them onto the desk.

"This should cover the Stilinski's payment right?" Alec asked even though he already knew it was more than enough. Stiles told him a few days ago that they owed twenty-four thousand dollars to Eichan alone.

The woman nodded astonished at how much one hundred dollar bills were sitting in front of her. Alec didn't leave until he saw her change the Stilinski's payment status to 'paid in full'. He ran all the way to Stiles house in a better mood then he's been in in a while.


Noah, what Mr. Stilinski insisted Alec called him, sat with the boys watching one of the many Star Wars movies while eating pizza. He got a phone call halfway through which made him move into the kitchen entryway, far enough away he wouldn't disturb the movie but close enough he could still watch it with them.

"Hello?" Noah answered after he saw it was someone from the hospital. He looked at the two boys in the living room making sure Stiles wasn't going eavesdrop on his call, but they were too enthralled with the movie to even try.

"Hello Mr. Stilinski. I'm calling to inform you of a change in your payment status." Noah sighed expecting the worse. He was just glad Stiles wouldn't hear how badly in debt they were at the moment.

"Alright just lay it on me. How bad is it?" Noah just wanted to get it over with.

"That's what I wanted to tell you. You're debt has been paid in full." The doctor told him cheerfully. Noah paused unable to comprehend what the doctor just said.

"What? What do you mean it's paid in full?" Noah questioned having trouble breathing properly.

"Some kid came in and wanted to pay it for you. He said you saved his life and he owes you so this was the least he could do." Noah didn't know who this boy could have been. He went to ask the doctor who it was when he got another call.

"Thank you doctor I have to go." Noah hung up and answered the other call. This one from Eichen house. Noah was ecstatic knowing he could pay Eichen now that he didn't have to pay the hospital. "Hello?"

"Hello Sheriff. I just called to inform you that your payment was paid in full earlier today." The woman told Noah. Noah couldn't believe it. Someone has paid all of his debt which was an extreme amount of money almost one hundred thousand dollars and Noah had no idea who it was.

"Who? Who was it."

"Some boy. He didn't leave a name just paid and left." The woman told Noah making him even more confused.

"What did he look like?" Noah asked wanting to figure out who it was.

"He was on the shorter side maybe five foot six. He had brown hair. He was wearing some kind of navy hat. Oh he was also wearing an army jacket and um had a Star Wars shirt on." Noah glanced at Alec seeing the army jacket sitting on the couch behind him and looking at the Star wars shirt he was wearing.

"Thank you." Noah hung up but didn't look away from Alec wondering if it was really him. Alec must have felt Noah looking at him because he turned and looked at Noah. He saw the shocked look on Noah's face so he just smirked and winked at him, giving Noah the confirmation he needed. Noah shook his head, he didn't know where he got the money from but decided not to ask. When he walked back to the boys they were in the middle of reanacting a fight scene, using their pizza crusts as lightsabers.


A few days later Melissa McCall got a call saying that her house and all utilities have been payed off for two years. When asked who did it she was told he never gave a name. She ended up calling Noah and told him everything that happened which made him chuckle, unable to believe that a sixteen year old boy was going this far to do what he could to take care of the people he cares about. Melissa has never been for thankful for a teenager more in her life.

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