Chapter 19

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"I'm completely and totally fine." Stiles tried convincing Melissa after being unable to convince Alec of the same thing. He kept trying to leave knowing that his dad couldn't afford more hospital bills. They were already drowning.

"You completely and totally have a concussion, Stiles. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan." Melissa told him with a stern look on her face. Alec fist pumped in honor of Melissa fighting the good fight. Melissa was one of the few people that Alec respected.

"We still haven't paid for the last one." Stiles explained hoping that Melissa would see reason and let him leave but she didn't budge.

"Oh, no, no, no. Meredith is at the station. Your dad said it could take some time but he will get her to talk. Even if I let you go, what would you do?" She asked him thinking he was just using excuses on why he wanted to leave while he planned on just going to the station if he got out. Alec knew Stiles and his dad were having money trouble, but he was going to fix that.

"Absolutely nothing except hurt his head even more." Alec said raising his voice so he wasn't ignored. He sent Stiles a look as if challenging him to disagree. They both knew Alec was right.

"Okay, fine. Can you do me one little favor?" Stiles asked Melissa.


"Can you get me a tape player?" Stiles asked as sweetly as he could.

"Like cassettes?" Melissa questioned wondering why Stiles would want a cassette player.

"Yes. Tapes." Stiles corrected.

"Yeah, I'll see what I can do." Melissa told him as she started to leave.

"Okay, tapes, though, please." Stiles tried correcting her once again. Alec rolled his eyes since cassettes were more Melissa's Era so she would probably know what they're called better then Stiles.

"Cassettes." Melissa said before closing the door so Stiles couldn't say anything else to her.

"You grabbed the tape before we left?" Alec asked glancing up from his phone where he was texting every old contact he had looking for a certain person.

"Uh yeah." Stiles wasn't sure how Alec would react since he seemed to have so many mood swings today.


"Alec. Are you okay?" Stiles asked worried about his friend. If he could help then he would.

"Yeah I'm fine. You on the other hand are not." Alec tried to get Stiles off the subject since he didn't want to talk about his obvious mood swings.

"Are you sure? You've been texting someone for awhile and you seem more and more irritated." Stiles questioned making Alec roll his eyes. He should probably tell him anyway since he might not have his medication for a while after this month.

"Nah. The irritation is because I haven't taken my meds." Alec tried to keep it as nonchalant as possible. "As for the texting. I'm just trying to get ahold of someone who... owes me something."

"What meds?" Stiles asked. He never knew that Alec was on any medication.

"Don't worry about it dear. Thinking about it will hurt your pretty little head." Alec told him in a high pitched voice.

"Why do I feel like you're mocking me?" Stiles questioned causing Alec to smirk, but he didn't say anything else. Stiles just sighed before falling back onto the hospital bed, groaning when his head started to spin. He could have sworn he heard Alec mutter something about him being 'a beautiful idiot' but he didn't ask.

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