Chapter 13

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"How'd I do?" Lilian asked Stiles when she hung up the phone.

"Scarily well. It was like actually watching someone who just lost their brother." Stiles told her smiling.


Scott and Alec were laying on Scotts bed. Ready to officially almost die. Kira, Liam and Kira's mom were stood around them. Stiles left but didn't explain why just said he had to leave.

"Are you guys totally sure about this?" Liam asked with a shaking voice looking between the two boys that have become important to him.

"I think Liam's kind of nervous. Maybe you should tell him it's going to be alright." Kira was extremely nervous too it was basically radiating off of her. Scott could tell she needed to hear him say everything was going to be fine so he directed his sentence at her rather then Liam.

"It's going to be alright."

"Don't worry Liam. I've been through worse, I don't think this is what's going to kill me." Alec told him. Everyone was curious about what could have been worse then being on death's doorstep but no one asked. They never asked.

"So, you've done this before, right?" Liam asked Mrs. Yukimura. She looked apprehensive.

"I've seen it done." She told him.

"Is that just as good?" Liam asked desperately despite knowing the answer already. Mrs. Yukimura looked at him dead in the eyes before shaking her head.


"Mom, you're not inspiring confidence." Kira complained feeling more scared as time goes on. Alec couldn't help but agree. He was terrified and he couldn't help but wish Stiles was there with him.

"Good. This is a terrible idea." Mrs. Yukimura told them not hesitating. Alec liked how blunt and honest she was but that didn't ease his nerves in the slightest.

"Do you want us to do it without you?" Kira asked snarkily making Alec roll his eyes.

"Um no we wouldn't do this without her. Sorry sweetheart but I don't exactly trust you with my life." Alec sassed back. Kira rolled her eyes but understood where he was coming from, she hasn't had the best track record with her powers.

"Put your hand over his heart." Mrs. Yukimura told her daughter gesturing to Scott who they would do first.

"Hold on." Scott interrupted grabbing Kira's hand before she could touch his chest.

"What happens while we're out? Are we gonna feel anything?" Scott asked impressing Alec. Those were actually good questions and not just time wasters like he was expecting.

"It might feel like you're dreaming." That made Alec more nervous. He didn't have the best dreams around, most of them were nightmares.

"Good dreams or bad?" Scott asked and Alec hoped she would say good even though he knew she wouldn't.

"I suppose that depends on you." Alec groaned causing everyone to look at him but he just waved him off. Kira put her hand on Scotts chest and made electricity flow through his body then quickly did the same to Alec. He felt extreme pain and then nothing.


"I still hate this plan." Melissa McCall said as she stood in front of her sons seemingly lifeless body.

"Your not the only one." Stiles wiped his eyes while glaring at Alec's lifeless body. Stiles stood in front of Alec and had one of his hands on his chest where Alec's heart is. Melissa was curious on why Stiles seemed so upset over this when it was partly his plan until Stiles whispered. "He wasn't supposed to be apart of this."

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