Chapter 16

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"I never did ask but what happened while you were basically dead?" Stiles glanced at Alec who froze with a fry halfway into his mouth.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Alec mumbled taking a bite of his burger hoping that Stiles wouldn’t ask him anymore questions. They were at a diner a week after the whole Scott and Alec being basically dead incident and a few days after Alec getting kidnapped. After Alec calmed down he ignored Stiles for a while using the excuse that his parents wanted to spend time with him now that he was officially considered alive again. Which wasn't exactly a lie but wasn't the full truth either.

"Alec you woke up screaming MY name then you couldn't stop crying. You kept mumbling how you were sorry and how it wasn't supposed to be like that." Stiles exclaimed. It scared the crap out of Stiles when Alec woke up screaming his name. It scared everyone. It also took hours for Alec to calm down enough that he let Stiles go.

"How about we talk about Malia then. I know you two haven't been talking since what happened at the school." Alec knew it was a low blow and that whatever was happening was really upsetting Stiles but he was getting angry and he snapped. Stiles closed his eyes for a second before glaring at Alec.

"Fine. We broke up and she refuses to talk to me after she found out that I kept her being a Hale from her. Is that good enough for you?" Stiles glared before calming down knowing that Alec didn't really mean to upset him he just wanted to get Stiles of the topic. "Now your turn."

"Fine. I watched you die three times. Shot in the head three times. I almost shot you once, I couldn't control it, but I stopped I refused to do it and you know what happened? You shot yourself and made me watch. Sorry about being fucking upset." Alec glared at his burger refusing to look back up at Stiles not wanting to see his expression.

"Scott told me he saw Liam and how he thinks his dream played off of his fear of being a bad Alpha to Liam." Alec knew the question he was asking. Whether he thought his 'dream' was played off of one of his own fears. And honestly he knew it was. Alec just nodded his head, debating on if he should tell him or not.

"Before coming here the number of people I truly cared about was an astounding one." Stiles was confused on what this had to do with the conversation but didn't say anything. He just let Alec talk. "I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when that number rose to two."

Alec shook his head remembering when he first met Stiles. In the locker room. He was such a spaz, although he still is. "Stiles you are the first person ever that I would consider to be an actual friend, someone that I can trust. I will do anything in my power to protect you. No matter what I have to do so seeing you die over and over again scared me. I've lost too many people and I refuse to lose you too." Both Alec and Stiles had tears in their eyes but for different reasons. Alec was thinking about the many people he's seen die including his brother. While Stiles was surprised and touched. He knows that Scott would protect him, but at the same time Stiles doubted that Scott would do ANYTHING to protect him. They both sat in silence for a few minutes before Alec broke it once again. "So to answer your question, yeah that 'dream' played off my fear of being unable to protect you." Both boys jumped when Stiles' phone rang. It was Lydia.

"What's going on?" Alec asked after Stiles got off the phone. Stiles started grabbing all of his stuff. He left plenty of money to cover the bill and a tip.

"Lydia might have a lead. We have to get to the police station." Alec ran out after Stiles taking one last glance of his leftover fries and milkshake.


On the way to the station Stiles and Alec picked up Lydia and she told them all about what she found at the lake house about her grandmother. When they got to the station Mr. Stilinski was already waiting for them, Alec guessed that Stiles texted him. Stiles and Lydia informed the sheriff on what they learned.

"So wait." Mr. Stilinski interrupted trying to process what they were telling him. "She could still be alive?"

"It's not just that she could still be alive." Stiles said as they walked into his father's office to get some privacy.

"It's that she would've had to fake her death." Lydia finished. Mr. Stilinski rubbed his eyes, not understanding the full theory.

"Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" He asked trying to understand.

"Definitely." Stiles answered immediately.

"Maybe." Lydia sent him a look.

"More than likely, yes." Stiles fixed. Mr. Stilinski could see Alec in the background face palming at the other two. Mr. Stilinski had to hold in a laugh at Alec's expression.

"What do you think?" He asked Alec who looked up, shocked at being asked something.

"The only thing I'm thinking about is the food I was forced to leave." Alec answered glaring at Stiles.

"Oh come on. This was important." Stiles threw his arms up. He couldn't believe that Alec was still upset about the food.

"So was my food. I honestly need to quit going out to eat with you. I'm never able to finish." Alec said pouting.

"It was a couple fries and like a quarter of a milkshake." Stiles tried to reason. The sheriff looked at Lydia as if asking if she knew what they were talking about, but she shook her head no. Neither of them had any clue what was going on.

"I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?" Mr. Stilinski interrupted the two bickering boys. Stiles looked at his dad and nodded.

"She might be helping The Benefactor." Lydia admitted knowing how crazy this all sounded.

"Or is The Benefactor." Stiles on the other hand didn't acknowledge that fact at all.

"That sounds like a story worth hearing." Mr. Stilinski closed the door to his office now wanting to actually hear what they were saying. Alec tuned out what was going on as he got a text from his mother telling him that he shouldn’t leave Lilian alone so much and how he needs to become apart of their family again. Alec rolled his eyes knowing she could take care of herself and he has no desire to be around the two druggies anymore but ever since Alec was almost dead his mom has been a little crazy about taking care of her kids. Alec was happy that she was trying but it was still pretty annoying.

"Anybody seen Parrish? Haigh?" Alec heard the Sheriff yell out to the office. He looked at Parrish's partner to answer his question.

"Haven't seen him." The man said but Alec knew he was lying based on his heartbeat. The sheriff nodded before closing his door and turning back to the three kids.

"He's lying." Alec told him looking at Haigh over the Sheriff's shoulder

"What do you mean?" The sheriff asked glancing back at Haigh while Stiles started at Alec, trusting his judgement.

"His heart jumped when he said he didn't know where Parrish was."

"Holy You're dead." The four of them looked at Haigh when they heard him yell.

"Hey. Hey!" Mr. Stilinski opened the door to see an ash covered Parrish fighting Haigh who had his gun out. Alec pushed himself in front of the Sheriff just in case Parrish decided he didn't want to stop at just Haigh. Parrish punch Haigh making him accidentally pull the trigger twice, shooting Alec and Mr. Stilinski, one in the stomach and the other in the shoulder. Stiles yelled for Alec then grabbed him and pulled him closer to himself as Mr. Stilinski pulled himself back towards his son.

"But you're dead!" Haigh yelled before Parrish knocked him out.

"Well that was entertaining." Alec gritted out. He stuck his fingers into the wound and tried to pull the bullet out, but it was too far in for his fingers to get to it. He needed something small to go in and grab it.

After getting an ambulance for his father and getting Parrish dressed Stiles drove Parrish and Lydia to Derek's while Stiles and Alec went to Stiles' house to try and piece some things together and to get the bullet out of Alec's stomach.

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