Chapter 12

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Scott called a few people to his house to talk about a plan to try and catch the Benefactor. Alec stayed at Stiles house for another night, so Stiles just brought Alec with him. They were standing around a table discussing the horrible plan.

"Is three enough?" Kira asked looking at the laptops that we're sitting gonna the table. Alec nodded his head remembering the last time he was at the hospital and how little cameras there seemed to be.

"Depends on how many cameras they have. But I think so." Stiles explained looking at everyone standing around the table, lingering on Alec for a moment.

"It's enough." Alec stated cetain of his answer. Everyone looked at him weirdly.

"And why do you know that?" Stiles questioned raising his eyebrow at Alec.

"You should always be aware of your surroundings." Alec's answer made everyone only slightly worried about him but he just shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Are we really doing this?" Liam asked nervous about the whole plan. He didn't want to be apart of it but he also didn't want to leave his friends to do it alone. Especially since Alec was apart of it and he's still hurt.

"We're doing it. Tonight." Scott told them. He glanced at Alec almost as if he wanted to tell him to take a seat on this one, but Alec saw and sent him the meanest glare he could manage. Stiles watched it happen and sent Alec a look as if telling him to behave. Alec just rolled his eyes at Stiles.

"But isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam asked getting more and more nervous as the conversation went on. Alec yawned before leaning his head against Stiles shoulder, bored of the conversation.

"It's incredibly dangerous." Stiles agreed adjusting how he was standing to make it more comfortable for Alec to lean on him.

"And borderline idiotic." Alec added smirking at Liam who gave a small smile and rolled his eyes. Scott glanced between his best friend and the boy who was leaning against him wondering when those two became so close.

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam wondered looking between the older three.

"Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?" Stiles asked despite knowing the answer to both of them.

"I think it's a yes to both." Kira stated looking to Stiles and Scott for confirmation. Both boys nodded their heads.

"You don't have to be part of it if you don't want to." Liam immediately shook his head trying to convince Scott that he wanted to do it.

"I'm not scared." Liam told them even though both Scott and Alec could tell he was lying. Neither of them said anything, but Alec did let out a chuckle.

"Then you're borderline idiotic." Alec told him basically admitting how he was scared too which surprised the four other people in the room. Alec never admits to being scared he just pretends he isnt. Stiles figured that after two near death experiences you tend to be a little more scared then usual. Although Stiles wasn't sure if it was only two.

"If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?" Stiles reminded them. They have absolutely no information on the Benefactor or what could come for the Benefactor.

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira asked. Liam nodded wanting to know the answer as well. Alec rolled his eyes, to him it was pretty obvious why he would come but there was still the doubt that the Benefactor would come. Couldn't the Benefactor just look up their obituaries?

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required." Scott told them remembering when him and Stiles listened to the tape that Garrett and Violet had.

"Simon said the same thing." Stiles informed them. Alec flinched remembering not only what that man did to him but to Stiles also. Stiles was immediately filled with regret for talking about him. He put his arm around Alec's shoulder while sending an apologetic glance his way.

"He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." Alec told them in a small voice. He could still hear what that man said to him while he was beating the shit out of him.

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof?" Scott changed the topic knowing how hard it must be for both Alec and Stiles to think about the man. They both almost died that day.

"You don't get paid." Kira told them.

"But how does that get us any closer to The Benefactor?" Liam asked not understanding what any of that had to do with the Benefactor.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead." Alec still figured that the Benefactor could probably just look them up on the Internet and boom. He knows everything. Alec didn't say anything though since Scott and Stiles seemed so sure of their plan.

"Especially if it's someone high on the list." Stiles looked at Alec slightly before looking at Scott. Scott was the highest on the list with twenty-five million which was understandable, but Alec was second highest with twenty million and no one knew why.

"So, if he wants visual confirmation." Liam finally connected all the dots on why the older boys were so sure of their plan.

"He's going to have to come get it himself." Scott finished Liams thought.

"So why don't we up the ante." Alec stated, leaning against the table smirking at everyone. Despite what everyone thought he knew how much he was worth. After both Violet and Simon said something about him being worth a lot, he decided to figure out what he was worth. Its a good thing Stiles hung the three lists up in his room that made it very easy for Alec to see how much he was worth. Stiles looked like he was going to strangle the kid.


Two people were getting wheeled into the hospital on gurneys. The paramedics were yelling for a doctor over and over knowing they didn't have much time. They moved the two bodies into a separate room not wasting the time to go to two different rooms.

"Clear!" The doctor yelled trying to start the boys hearts again. "Still asystole."

"Continue chest compressions and charge to 360." Another doctor called. Two doctors. Two boys. They were doing everything they could to keep those boys alive.

"Clear!" One of the doctors yelled. "Still asystole."

"I'm calling it." The other said looking down at the kid who he couldn't save. "Time of death 2102 hours. Would someone please page Melissa McCall."

"How about him?" The same doctor asked gesturing to the other boy. They shook their head. No heartbeat. "Time of death 2103 hours. Someone else please page Frank and Jill Grey."

Melissa was loud, yelling and screaming. Never has she ever felt a pain as great as this one. Scott was dead laying on the cold table. Melissa was alone. She lost her son and everyone heard her scream.

On the other side of the hospital Frank and Jill were silent. Their second son. Dead. They didn't think this would happen. They barely even knew their son because of their own stupid decisions and now they'll never know him. Alec was dead and they couldn't go back, no matter how much they wanted to.


Lilian was at home when she got the call. Alec was dead. She balled and screamed and threatened everyone she could think of. Her last brother, her best friend. Dead. She was devastated, she didn't know what she was supposed to do with her life without him. All she can do know is figure it out.

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