Chapter 22

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Stiles called Alec early Sunday morning and told him to get ready because they were going to the diner and nothing would stop them from finishing their meals this time. Despite it barely being nine in the morning Alec still got a burger and fries with a milkshake. Stiles ended up getting banana pancakes with chocolate milk which made Alec laugh, he couldn’t help but think of how adorable Stiles was. After five minutes Alec couldn't stop himself from asking any longer.

"Alright Stiles what's wrong. You've been twitchy and nervous since we sat down." Alec questioned taking a long sip of his cookies and cream milkshake. Stiles just smiled before shaking his head.

"Nothing's wrong. Promise." Stiles tried to convince Alec but he knew he was lying.

"Stiles. I can literally smell how nervous you are." Alec deadpanned. Stiles widened his eyes, he forgot that that was something werewolves could do.

"I just... I just want to ask you something but I'm not sure how to do it." Stiles admitted. He felt himself slightly blush which made him even more nervous.

"Oh. Did your dad tell you? I honestly didn't think he would have told you." Alec said surprised. He figured that Noah would have wanted to keep it a secret that someone else paid their bills for them.

"Tell me what?" Alec's eyes widened as he realized that wasn't what he was talking about.

"He didn't tell you? Ugh." Alec groaned knowing that stiles wouldn't let him do anything unless he told him. "It's just I thought he told you that I was the one that paid off all of your bills."

"You payed all of the hospital and Eichan bills?" Stiles asked not believing what Alec was telling him. Alec didn't blame him for not believing him because why would a sixteen year old kid have enough money to pay off bills like that.

"Yeah. A friend of mine owed me some money that I needed for something. I had plenty left over so I figured why not." Alec could tell that Stiles didn't believe a word he said, so he decided to change the subject.

"Anyway. What was it that you had to talk to me about then?" Alec saw Stiles' face turn slightly pink. He thought it was absolutely adorable, but he didn't say anything.

"I was wondering if um maybe you would I don't know." Stiles was rambling trying to figure out a way to ask Alec. He wanted to back out and not do it, but after a ‘pep’ talk from Malia he knew he had to do it. He thought back to the night before when he was hanging out with Malia.

"Malia I've got something to tell you." Stiles began nervously. This was going to be the first time he admitted this to anyone other then himself. "I like Alec and I think I'm going to ask him out."

"Good because I'm positive no one else will." Malia admitted thinking about how a couple of days ago at school she saw Liam and Alec dancing in the middle of the halls as Mason sang some country song. She distinctively remembers Alec and Liam yelling 'Yeehaw' at least twice. "You have to do it. No backing out or I'll beat you up and tell Alec myself."

"Would you like to be my boyfriend."

Alec froze not expecting anything like that. He watched as Stiles hid his face in his hands while Alec tried to say something. He didn't know Stiles liked guys.

Stiles was mortified, he took Alec's silence as a definite no. He didn't even know if Alec was interested in guys, but he decided to ask anyway, probably ruining their friendship. Stiles did what Stiles did best when he felt awkward: ramble.

"I mean you obviously don't have to say yes. I don't even know if you're interested in guys, I just figured I'd ask anyway. I don't even know what I was thinking. We haven't even really been on any dates I just thought that those times we came to the diner together made it so we didn't have to go on dates before we started dating or something." Stiles went to keep rambling, but Alec stopped him before his face could get anymore red. It was getting a little worrying now.

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