Chapter 11

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When Stiles got back to the basement the door wasn't open and Stiles started to freak out. He was on the verge of a full blown panic attack. Not even a week ago Stiles saw Alec almost die and once again Alec was dying in his arms and he couldn't do anything about it. Stiles remembered how Alec had his claws out and how they could use them to get into the vault, but his hands were claw free much to his dismay. Stiles just slid down against the wall and held Alec closer to his chest. He could feel Alec's breath on his neck which also meant he could feel it becoming weaker and weaker.

Stiles heard the scrapping sound of the vault door opening. He shot his head up and saw Scott walking out towards them, holding onto the wall so he didn't fall, with a jar in his hands. Scott saw Alec who was bloody and barely breathing, he looked up and saw Stiles who was clutching him close with tears in his eyes. Scott shoved some of the Reshi into Alec's mouth and sunk his claws into his arm, waking him up long enough to swallow the mushrooms. Stiles felt Alec's breathing start to pick up, which almost made him smile.

"He has to go to the hospital Stiles. Or to Deaton, even my mom. He needs some proper caring for." Scott told the other boy. Stiles shook his head, clutching Alec closer to his chest. Scott showed Stiles his palms where there was puncture wounds that aren't healing even though it normally would have been healed within a minute or so.  "He's weak. The poison is going to make it extremely hard to heal wounds like we used to, especially ones like his."

Stiles finally nodded after listening to Alec breathe for a minute. He looked up and saw Malia as she walked towards them. Before she made it to them she turned and started walking down the hall.

"Malia?" Stiles whispered. Malia barely turned around before taking Stiles jacket off and tossing it on the ground. She quickly turned around and left, not once looking back. Scott knew why she was leaving. She finally saw the Deadpool with her name on it. She finally learned that she wasn't a Tate but a Hale and the two boys tried to keep it from her.

"My dad should be here. I'll get him to take us to the hospital or something." Stiles whispered standing up. Scott didn't say anything as Stiles walked away with Alec. On the way upstairs Stiles made a backstory for how he came across Alec.

"Help. Somebody please help him. Please." The Sheriff heard his son screaming for help and instantly became worried. He tore threw the people in the hallways until he saw his son, covered in blood, holding an equally bloody Alec. He saw the tears that we're still running down his sons face and without a second thought he rushed towards him.

"We have to get him to the hospital right now. Come on." Noah didn't even try to take Alec from Stiles, seeing how his son was holding onto the other boy with a vice grip. The two of them ran for the Sheriff's car that was parked out front, as soon as they were in they sped off.

"What happened? Why isn't he healing? I thought he was a werewolf." Noah questioned needing to know everything. Stiles just shook his head, he felt overwhelmed and almost like he was going to have a panic attack. "Stiles you need to focus. This is extremely important. Come on kid."

"He was poisoned and attacked by the assassin. Scott said he isn't healing because the poison is still in his system and that he could.. could die if he doesn't get the proper treatment, we should take him to Deaton." Stiles stumbled over the words, trying to focus. Everytime he closed his eyes he saw Alec looking lifeless in the hallway. Noah kept glancing at Stiles, worried that he was going to spiral at any second.

When they made it to the animal clinic Noah ran in ahead of Stiles to let Deaton know what to expect. As soon as Stiles made it inside Alec was taken from his arms so Deaton could get to work. Stiles grabbed onto Alec's hand, he felt like if he didn't keep ahold of him then he would just disappear.

"It looks like he has been shot four times and probably half his ribs are broken." Deaton informed them. Stiles sucked in a breath, hating how much Alec has been hurt in the last week. Deaton pulled each bullet out of Alec, making Stiles hold onto his hand even tighter. When that was all done and bandaged Deaton told the two that there wasn't much he could do for his ribs. He made sure nothing was going to puncture anything then just wrapped them tightly.

Stiles stepped out of the room as Noah told Deaton about everything that happened at the High School. He called Lilian and told her everything that happened. She claimed that if the man who hurt her brother wasn't already dead she'd kill him and Stiles didn't doubt her for one minute. She also agreed to have Alec stay at Stiles' house since her parents were home and they wouldn't take to kindly to their son coming home like that. Stiles read the messages that Alec sent him and couldn't help but let out a few tears. This young boy seemed to have accepted his death so easily and the only thing he asked was for Stiles to tell his sister he loved her. No one should have to go through that.

When Noah came out to the car, with Alec, Stiles was done on the phone and told him what Lilian said. They got in the car and drove home where Stiles was finally able to take a shower and get the blood off of himself. He set Alec in his own bed before going and getting everything ready that he would need to sleep on the couch for the night. Stiles fell asleep in a fitful rest. Sometime during the night he felt something squeeze next to him on the couch and when he opened his eyes he saw Alec laying next to him.

If Noah saw the two boys cuddling on his couch when he got up to leave for work he never said anything.


Alec woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. He sat up carefully still extremely sore from his ribs and looked for Stiles who wasn't with him anymore. He heard someone singing from what he guessed was the kitchen, it sounded kind of like Stiles. Alec stood up, wincing at the pain in his ribs, and bundled the blanket up around him since it was super warm. He limped towards where the singing was coming from and watched as Stiles danced around using the spatula as a microphone. Alec went and sat at the dining room table since standing up was really painful.

Stiles was unaware that Alec even woke up let alone was watching him from the table. He turned around to go and set the table and almost screamed. Stiles couldn't help but to let out a small laugh seeing as Alec, who was asleep at the table, looked like a blue stay puff marshmallow man because of how big the blanket was. He left the younger boy alone and set the table around him, when he was done he woke Alec up by throwing small pieces of pancake at him.

"Hey sleepyhead. Time to get up. I slaved over the stove to make us pancakes." Alec giggled at how over dramatic Stiles was being. They both dug into the food just talking and enjoying each others company.

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