Chapter 7

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I walked over to the cabinet above the sink and opened it. Sitting there in a box were fresh blades. I grabbed one from the box and sat down on the floor. The first time that I ever cut was a couple days after my parents died. At first the pain was unbearable. After a while I no longer felt the pain. As I sat on the floor I brought the blade to my wrist and put across it.

"That's for no one liking you" myself conscious said to me. Another one for being ugly. By the time I was done I had seven new cuts on my wrists. I went over to the sink and wasted my arm and the blade off. I wrapped some band aids around the cuts. I walked back into my room and crawled into bed. Before I knew it I was asleep.

When I woke up it was no longer light in my room. I got up and walked down the stairs because I was hungry. When I got into the kitchen I saw a light coming from the living room. I walked I'm and there was Jace stirring on the couch holding a photo album.

"What are you still doing up" I said to him. He must not have heard me because he turned around real fast almost dropping the album.

"Oh hey I thought you were asleep" he said. I noticed that his voice was raw and his eyes were puffy.

"Were you crying Jace" I asked him.

"Yeah I was" he said back.

"Why" I asked. He waved his hand telling me to come over to him. I walked over to him and took a seat on the couch.

"This has many photos of us with mom and dad" he said. He opened to the first page and there was a photo of the family standing in front of the Disney castle.

"I remember that vacation" I said laughing. As we flipped through the pages of the album I felt the tears rolling down my face. I looked over to see Jace also crying. By the time we were down we both were a mess.

"I miss them so much" he said. I nodded my head. Looking at these photos reminded me of how much I missed them.

"I'm glad I still have you though" he said. I looked over to him and started to cry even harder. Before I knew it we were both hugging each other and crying.

"I love you Jace" I said.

"I love you to Jamie and always will" he said back.

"Well I think we both should get to bed" he said drying his eyes.

"Yeah I think so too" I said.

"Good night Jamie" he said.

"Goodnight" I said. I got up from the couch and started for the steps. When I made it to my room I turned off the light and flopped into my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. I could just feel it. I pulled the blankets up to my chin. I tried and tried to go to sleep but it won't come. I grabbed my iPod and texted Luke hoping that he was awake. It was now 11:30 so I think he still would be up. Five minutes after I sent the text I got one back. We talked on and on about nothing and everything. It was around 1 am that we both finally fell asleep.

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