Chapter 15

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I was still staring at Luke when I heard a sound. I snapped out of my trance and looked at the boys. They were all grinning from ear to ear.

"What's so funny" I said. I started to pat my face but nothing was there. The boys kept smiling. I shook my head and got up and put Luke's guitar back.

"Fine if you won't tell me then I guess I'll go stay at some random hotel" I said grabbing my stuff. I walked about only three feet when the boys stopped me.

"Oh you're not going anywhere" Luke whispered into my ear. I was a little scared by his comment so I lightly punched him in the arm.

"What was that for" he said holding his arm in fake hurt. I shook my head.

"You boys are so silly" I said putting my stuff back down on the bed. I sat down and looked at them.

"Now tell me what you were laughing about" I said with my eyes in little slits. Their eyes got big.

"We were laughing at the way you were looking at Luke" Michael said holding back a laugh.

"Yeah, you looked like you wanted to throw the guitar aside and jump my bones" Luke said no longer holding his arm. My eyes got big. Did I really look at him like that? I stared at the boys for a while and the shook my head.

"I'm sorry Luke I didn't mean to look at you like that I just got lost in the moment" I said shaking my head again. The boys looked at each other and started to laugh. Okay then? What was their problem? My phone started to ring so I picked it up. It was brother's best friend who was on the phone. I picked up.

"Hey what are you doing calling me and where is Jace" I asked. The line was quite.

"He is drunk and not doing so well" said Gavin. I face palmed my face. Is he really doing this again?

"Okay I'm coming home in 10 minutes keep him out of the liquor" and then I hung up without saying anything. I turned to the boys.

"I would like to stay and chat but my stupid brother is drinking again" I said. The boys looked worried.

"Do you want someone to come with you in case he does something stupid" Michael asked. I shook my head yes because last time he got drunk he slapped me and I was all by myself. The boys put their stuff back on the wall and we all walked outside to the car. The drive to my house was full of the boys singing crappy pop songs. By the time we got to my house I had a head splitting headache. I popped out of the car and ran up to my front door. Inside smelled like a bar. In the middle of the living room Jace was sitting singing some old song. Gavin ran over to me when he spotted me.

"As you can see shit is going down in the living room" he said with a smirk on his face. I shook my head and started to walk over to where he was sitting.

"HERE COMES THE SUN" he shouted as soon as I got close. I turned around to look at the boys and they were all holding in a laugh. I glared at them and that seemed to shut them up. This is going to be a long night. I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him really hard.

"I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE OHHH AND ITS TIME TO FEEL GOOD" Jace screamed. I covered my ears and look back at the boys. Their bent over with tears streaming down their faces. I stomped over to where they were standing and grabbed Ashton by his arm and dragged him over to my brother.

"Your turn asshole" I said and shoved him. He tripped and fell right on top of Jace. I lost it and broke down in tears from laughing so hard. The boys looked at me and burst out laughing too. Yeah, tonight was really going to be long.

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