Chapter One: Primero Amigo

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Chapter One: Primero Amigo (First Friend)


I walk through campus of my new university in Paris. Such a big city... Why did I choose to come here? I just don't know. I had flown here for university because I decided living here would be amazing! The rest of my family lived back in Mexico.

I have no friends here, nor does any one probably want to be friends with me. I mean, I know I have a heavy Spanish accent and I'm not the most fluent at speaking English.

I walk to my first lecture and sit down already bored.

Life here will be interesting.

The lecture speeds by and as soon as it's done I walk out. I go to my dorm and ignore my crazy roommate, Michelle.

She's strange, she wears black clothing and has a nose piercing. She has crazy deep purple hair and wears contacts that make her eyes look like a cats. We get along fine, we just aren't friends.

I put my stuff away and grab my purse as I get ready for my shift at Starbucks. I like that coffee place, it has good tasting coffee.

I walk to work, Starbucks being just around the corner. It gets a lot of attention... Everyone seems to come here at one point.

I walk into the shop and as I go to the back to put on my apron I steal a cookie. I eat it quickly as I put on my apron. I keep my waist long blonde hair in it's braid before taking over for a fellow employee.

I work on making coffees and frappes for people. I write their name delicately on each cup. I smile as one boy asks me to put 'prom?' on his girlfriends cup. I do it with delicacy, not wanting to mess it up.

I fill up the cup and hand it to him with a smile.

"Good luck!" I say.

"Thanks." He replies.

I watch as he gives his girlfriend the cup and she squeals and nods and hugs him.

I wish I had a relationship like that.

I wish I was in a relationship.

I sigh and get back to work.

When my shift finishes I walk back to my dorm where Michelle is minding her own business and on her computer.

I sit on my bed and go on my phone, texting my half brother Adrian about how boring lectures are. He's nineteen and has already been in university for a year.

ADRIAN/ I told you it would be boring.

ARYA/ You didn't warn me it would be this boring.

I reply before shutting my phone off and curling into my blankets.

Michelle gives me a quick goodnight before I drift off into sleep.


I still have no friends and it's been three weeks. I'm getting extremely lonely.

I sit on campus, staring into nothingness. A girl walks up to me.

"Hello." She smiles.

"Hi!" I reply.

"You looked lonely, what's your name?" She asks.

"I'm Arya." I smile. "What's your name?"

"That's a pretty name. My name's Isabelle, Isabelle Cullen. But you can call me Izzy... Where are you from? You have a strong accent." Izzy says.

"Mexico." I smile.

"I'm going to pull a Mean Girls, but if you come from Mexico, why are you white?" Izzy asks.

I laugh. "I'm just a originally pale person." I shrug, struggling on the word originally.

"It's clear you don't speak fluent English. What are you studying to be?" Izzy asks.

"Hairdresser, and dancer. I have a double major." I explain. "And you?"

"Dancer!" Izzy squeals. "Is this your first year too?"

"Yes." I smile and nod.

"Ooh! We must be in the same class! I just haven't seen you before!" Izzy says.

I take in Izzy's appearance, from her shoulder length curly brown hair to her gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Possibly." I nod.

"You want to come to Starbucks with me? Just to talk?" Izzy asks.

I smile and nod. "I work there." I say.

"Really!? You can get me a discount." Izzy wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh and nod.

We wait in line and start talking.

"Any good books you've read lately?" I ask.

"I don't read." Izzy says.

I gasp. "Well, what's your favourite type of music then?" I ask.

"Country. How about you?" Izzy asks.

"A little bit of everything." I shrug and order for myself, Izzy also ordering. I pay and we go sit down at a table.

We talk from hot famous boys to good clubs to family.

When we both have to go, Izzy asks me for my phone number. I hand it to her and smile as I walk back to my dorm.

I text Adrian as soon as I get back.

ARYA/ Primero amigo!!!

ADRIAN/ Meaning... you met your first friend?

ARYA/ Adrian, do you forget Spanish already? Primero amigo means first friend. Yes, I met my first friend today.

ADRIAN/ Good job Arya! Can't wait for you to make more! Now go do you shift at Starbucks, I know your schedule well enough to know you should be leaving around now.

ARYA/ Bye Adrian!

I walk to my shift, happy. My primero amigo!

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