Chapter Thirteen: She's Lois Lane

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Chapter Thirteen: She's Lois Lane

(I changed the cover, again. THANKS SO MUCH TO @asking-aleksandria for making the new cover for me!!!)

Alex (Alex chapters will almost always be shorter than Arya ones.)


Last night was perfect. Absolutely positively perfect.

I have yet to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I want to make sure she's not pushing me away before I do so.

I walk into my dorm putting my stuff away. Tristan, also happening to be my dorm mate, is sitting in bed.

"How'd it go with Arya?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Fine." I answer bluntly.

"Sex?" Tristan asks.

I glare at him. "One, I'm not perverted like that - thank goodness. Two, Arya actually respects herself, unlike the girls you drag in."

"Hey! I'm a player and I'm okay with it!" Tristan exclaims, hands up in mock surrender. "So, tell me about what you see in tiny but beautiful Arya?"

I roll my eyes and sit on my bed. "She's adorable. It was her smile you know? Her smile just draws you in."

"I have to admit there, it does. If you weren't after her I'd go for her." He whistles.

"Would you shut up? I thought you said you were going to go for Isabelle."

"She's nice, but Ricky- Izzy introduced us a while back - she's something. I'd like to get to know her. I mean, at one point I need to end my player ways and get a serious girl... And she's got curves. Like damn, your girl has got nothing compared to her."

"Shut the fuck up. Arya is beautiful. Got it?"

"I'm not saying she's not. She's hot. But she's... Small." He makes a gesture with his hands of an over exaggerated small hourglass.

I roll my eyes. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"No. I'd probably bang her." Tristan shrugs.

I get up, and punch him hard in the arm before putting on clean clothes and grabbing my school bag. "You're an idiot." I snap, leaving the dorm.

Tristan is generally nice... Just he's a player and can get very dirty minded.

I walk out on campus, to the fountain to do some studying. I liked studying by the fountain, it was calming. I sit on a bench and take out a text book.

I hear a few familiar voices and I look up. Arya, Izzy, Ricky and Zoë are all walking by, Ricky holding a Beats Pill and playing Unconditionally by Katy Perry from it.

I raise an eyebrow and watch as Arya does a mocking ballerina jump. Although, it's flawless, I can see why she's a dancer.

The song switches to Waiting For Superman, she starts dancing along and I can't help but watch.

Each move she makes perfect, her friends watch with smiles. Arya seems to get really into the song, she has a whole character and vibe to her. It's amazing!

It's as though she's the girl Daughtry is singing about, the girl waiting for her Superman. I set my book down and stand up.

I watch her dance along with a few other people who had gathered. At the end of the song, I run up and sweep her off her feet, cradling her.

"Hello Superman." Arya smiles.

"Hello Lois Lane." I smile back.

Her smiles widens and she leans up, gently kissing my nose. I gently set her light self down.

"I was heading to town with the girls," Arya explains. "You can come if you'd like."

I smile. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm studying for a test in class."

"Oh," Arya frowns slightly. "I'll catch you later then, Superman."

"I'll catch you later Lois Lane." I smirk.

Arya laughs and walks away with her friends. I smile at their retreating figures before going back to the text book.

I'm Aryas Superman and she's my Lois Lane.

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