Chapter Nineteen: She Is Mine

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Chapter Nineteen: She Is Mine


Alexs POV

Arya walks over to Xavier and I, her and Adrian not dancing any longer.

"I'm... Not interrupting am I?" She asks.

"Of course not." I smile slightly.

"I was just talking to my cousin here." Xavier shrugs.

"You're cousins?" She asks, looking surprised.

"Yep." I nod.

A more upbeat and recent song comes on and a gorgeous smile breaks across Aryas face. She rocks her hips, which were somewhat hidden by the dress, back and forth to the beat.

Many of the older couples had left the dance floor. I realize the song was electronic and it came on to entertain the younger crowd who was now flooding the dance floor.

I could tell Arya wanted the dress off so she could dance, it was just the expression on her face. She was such an open book.

Xavier laughs at her and she just smiles at him. I feel a little jealous, only I should get those smiles.

Arya moves her chest in a way I didn't think possible as she starts dancing to an extent. I watch curiously as each move she locks herself in. Her arms, and neck and chest move then lock, then move, then lock. I assume her legs are too, but her dress hides it.

Xavier watches with a impressed expression. The smile never leaves Aryas face, she looks as though she's having the time of her life. I'm surprised as her moves turn into normal hip hop dancing and she makes her way over to me.

Arya takes my hands and moves them back and forth. I shake my head in amusement and only bounce to the beat slightly. I hated dancing.

She giggles and leans in, pecking my lips. I smile at her and she smiles back. Bouncing along to the beat more than I am, still moving my arms back and forth.

I glance at Xavier and inwardly smirk at the jealous look on his face.

Arya's my beautiful girl. There's no way Xavier will take her away from me.


After the party, I offer to drive Arya and Adrian back to the dorms.

Arya agrees and I lead her and Adrian to my own limo.

"Where's this from?" Arya asks, raising an eyebrow.

"My families limo." I shrug. I hold back a laugh at her surprised expression.

The way back is quiet, Arya looking out the window the whole time. Adrian seems to be lost in his own world, who knows what he's thinking about.

When we get back to the dorms, I help Arya out of the limo and say goodbye to Adrian.

I walk Arya to her dorm.

"Hey, beautiful?" I ask softly.

"Yes?" Her cheeks turn a little red from a slight blush. It looked so cute on her.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She replies.

I kiss her and smile into it when she kisses back.

I pull away and kiss her nose.

"I'll see you later Arya." I chuckle.

"Bye Alex." She says, walking into the dorm.

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