Chapter Eight: Diligente Marcharse

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Chapter Eight: Diligente Marcharse (Pushing Away)


I'm surprised to see Izzy, Zoë and Ricky, sitting casually in the dorms living room.

"How'd you do it?" Izzy asks.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"Get to the boy who pushes everyone away, Alex!" Ricky says in a duh tone.

"I don't know, we just... talked." I shrug.

"Arya, you're the first girl to ever be accepted by Alex. Not only that but you've kissed him." Zoë exclaims.

"Lucky bitch." Izzy says playfully.

"So, how does it feel to kiss that babe? Is he a good kisser? Does he have soft lips?" Ricky asks.

I burst into laughter.

"Well?" Zoë asks impatiently.

I sigh. "He's an amazing kisser, and the way he makes me feel..." I shiver in delight.

Izzy whistles. "She's got it bad girls."

"Very bad." Zoë nods.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"Arya, you're in love." Ricky giggles.

I blink a few times before shrugging. I swore never to fall in love again, clearly it's happening. I guess if Alex isn't going to push me away, I'll have to push him away.

"I'm tired girls, night." I sigh, walking into Michelle and I's room.

Michelle is already in bed, sleeping, so I quietly do my night routine before climbing into bed and drifting off.


I wake up and my first thought; Alex.

I blush automatically at that thought. No. I have to work on pushing him away. Thinking about him will not help.

I glance at my phone, there's a text from Alex saying 'good morning.' I ignore it and climb into the shower, singing quietly.

When I walk back into my room Michelle is staring at my phone.

"Answer him!" She smiles.

"Er... I'm good thanks." I mumble.

"Pushing him away I see?" A smirk runs over her face.

"How'd you guess?"

"Ah, plenty of girls do it. Just know something Arya, you must be pretty special if Alex decided to open up for you." Then she turns to her laptop and starts typing away at it.

I pull on some uggs and leave to go for a walk. I walk to the big water fountain and I shiver as a gust of wind rocks over. I wish I brought a sweater.

And it's as though my prayers were answered, a sweater gets draped over my shoulders. I sigh happily at its warmth.

"Hey Arya." Alex's voice chuckles. I turn to see him smiling at me. I involuntarily smile back.

"Hey Alex."

"You looked cold so uh..." He gestures to the sweater which I slip on.

"Thanks." I giggle.

"No problem." He glances up at the huge clock on the main building. "Sorry Arya, I have to go to class. Catch you around later."

I watch as he walks off. I smile and walk back to my own dorm where I'm surprised to see Alecia.

"Rumours go around fast Arya... Tell me everything!" Alecia smiles.

I raise an eyebrow.

"I want to know about Alex! And... Is that his sweater?" Alecia asks.

"Uh... Yeah." I nod. And we launch into conversation.

Not only do we have a conversation on Alex, but ourselves too.

I can tell Alecia and I will become great friends.

I glance at the time.

"Oh! Sorry Alecia, I've got a class... I'll see you later." I smile and run off after grabbing my bag.

I walk into the dance studio and stretch before dancing on my own to a beat in my head. Eventually the room seems to space out and I have all the room to dance.

Once I finish a clap sounds throughout the class. I blush realizing they were watching me the whole time.

The teacher walks over.

"That class is a special talent," she smiles. "Being able to dance so fluently without music is the best dancing."

I walk to the side and the class begins.

We end up doing a big group dance where everyone has to put a move in.

When the class is over I walk home wiping off sweat. I take a quick shower before going to my shift at Starbucks.

My hair pulled back into a braid, I put on the apron and get to work. Once again my strange addiction to writing the names on the cups perfectly starts. I do so for everyone, even the snotty teenage girl who demands for the coffee she wants rather than asking.

As soon as my shifts over I leave from there, taking a cookie on the way out.

Halfway back I run into Alex.

"Hey!" Alex smiles.

"¡Hola!" I smile back.

"You still wearing my sweater?" Alex laughs.

I blush and pull it off, handing it back to him. Alex seems hesitant to take it.

"You could've kept it."

"Yeah, well," I swallow, time to be cold. "I don't need it anymore. I'll catch you around, okay? I just really want to get home."

Alex frowns slightly and nods. "Bye Arya."

"Bye Alex." I say and walk off. I feel terrible but I'm breaking my rules.

No boys.

Not after your first and last boyfriend.

I sigh. Being closed off to someone, especially Alex, is going to be really hard.

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