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"I, Alex Griffen,

Take you, Arya Hemsworth,

To be my wife;

To have and to hold,

From this day forward,

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

'Till death do us part." Alex says, looking into my eyes. But then, to my surprise, he continues. "You always wanted the traditional vows, so I said them. But I want to tell you mine."

The smile on my face must have been huge. I couldn't help it. I did want the traditional vows, I loved them. But this, this is amazing. I could never have expected this. I love this man so much.

"You have been, right from the start, the girl I knew I'd marry. I promise that through thick and thin, I will be the one at your side. I promise that when you're hurt or sad, I'll stay with you. I promise that no matter what you go through, no matter where you are, I'll always be there for you. I promise that when we're old with grandchildren, I'll still tuck you into bed and kiss you goodnight. I will never let you go, little one." Alex whispers the end. "Don't cry!" That earns a laugh from the crowd.

Did I have tears running down my face? Oh my gosh. Alex gently drags his thumb across each cheek, brushing away my tears.

"I, Arya Hemsworth,

Take you, Alex Griffen,

To be my husband;

To have and to hold,

From the day forward,

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

'Till death do us part." I say, returning Alex's gaze.

His perfect brown eyes seeing straight through me. Like he knew I was going to do this.

"Now I need to add to my own vows," I say with a little smile. "We had our ups and our downs. The ups I have cherished. I promise that through every up, I will be by your side to enjoy it. The downs I have forgotten. I promise that through every down, I will do my best to make it right. I promise that I will never let you go." I say softly.

And after a few more words, Alex and I share a kiss. A kiss I doubt I'll ever forget. He pulls away all too soon and an applause erupts.

"We're married." I whisper.

"We're married." Alex smiles, his eyes on mine.

Then we say it to each other in unison. "Te amo."

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