Chapter Four: Ocasión Fiesta

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Chapter Four: Ocasión Fiesta (Party Time)


I have a boring lecture on hairdressing crap before we do a few cuts on manicans. When the class is over I walk to lunch.

"Hey Arya!" Izzy says where she's sitting with Ricky and Zoë. I walk over.

"Hey." I smile sitting with them.

"Y'know there's a Halloween dance coming up... It's at a friend of a friends house. I'm invited and I'm allowed to bring friends." Izzy smiles.

"Ooh! Sounds awesome!" Zoë squeals.

"So, what're you girls gonna dress up as?" Ricky asks.

"Zombie." Zoë says.

"Angel." Izzy says.

"I'm going to be a vampire, how about you?" Ricky asks me.

"Greek goddess."

Izzy whistles. "Nice choice, you'll be a perfect goddess."

"Hell, she already is a goddess with her perfect curves and gorgeous hair and face." Ricky says.

I roll my eyes. "I'm no goddess."

"Girl, have you looked in a mirror?" Zoë asks.

"Yes, but I'm not nearly perfect." I say.

Izzy rolls her eyes.

"What's the friend of a friends name?" I ask.

"Alecia Terra Erickson." Ricky replies.

I raise an eyebrow. She sounds cool.

"So, how are things with Alex and you?" Izzy asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'm no longer friends with that bastard." I spit.

"Uh...?" Zoë furrows her brow.

"He said he doesn't like music!" I cry out.

The girls laugh.

"Give the poor boy a second chance, he didn't know you were a music addict." Izzy says.

"How can I give him a second chance!?" I ask. "He said he didn't really like music!"

Ricky sighs. "Has he texted you?"

"Tried to call you?" Zoë asks.

"Tried going to Starbucks during your shifts just to talk to you?" Izzy asks.

"Yes..." I trail off.

"He obviously wants to talk to you! Go give him a second chance!" Izzy demands.

"Fine." I mutter. "It's three weeks until Halloween, and the party is...?"

"Night before Halloween night." Ricky informs.

"I'll go." I smile. "But I have to go back to my dorm now, I'll catch you girls later."


I walk into my dorm to find Michelle not there. I call Alex.

"Arya?" He asks as he picks up.

"Hey." I say.

"I'm so sorry for whatever I did!" Alex instantly apologizes.

"No, no I'm sorry for snapping like that. I, uh, have a thing for music. I can't stand when people don't like it." I say.

"I realized... Did you hear about Alecia's Halloween party?"


"Would you like to go with me?"



"I'd love to go with you." I laugh.

"I'll pick you up at seven on the thirtieth then." Alex says, I can picture the smile on his face.

"Mhm." I hum.

"I have to go, I'll talk to you later." Alex says hanging up.

I feel excitement surge through me. Alex and I are going to the party, together! I'm like, his date!

I squeal. I can't wait!

I turn on some music and I start to dance in the small space. Michelle walks in after a little while so I stop dancing.

"You're a good dancer y'know." Michelle says.

I laugh. "I know."

That ends all conversation between us. I decide to finally ask something.

"What are you going to be for Halloween?"

"Myself." She states simply.

I roll my eyes before turning back to stalking people on Instagram. I sigh before getting up to go out. I don't know what to do, maybe just a nice walk...

I walk outside and walk absentmindedly around campus. I hear music and I close my eyes as I listen... Then I start to dance.

I find the freedom of dancing so much fun! I couldn't help but feel like I was in a music video.

I notice Izzy go by and smile at me. I smile back. But clearly she has to be somewhere because she's running.

I finish dancing as the song ends before walking back to my dorm. I change into workout clothes before walking to the dance studio.

I put on music and dance there to pass time.

Finally I feel tired. I make my way back to the dorm where I steal the bathroom to take a shower.

I put on comfy clothes and my head hits my pillow, making me fall asleep almost instantly.


"Wake up." Michelle hisses shaking me.

"What?" I whine.

"First year girls are playing a prank on the first year boys, c'mon!" Michelle says.

I crawl out of bed and just about all the girl in their first year are crowded around outside the dorms.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"Toilet paper pranks." Michelle smirks. I laugh and grab a roll that's passed to me.

The girls walk out and we all have a blast throwing toilet paper everywhere around their dorms.

As soon as we're done we run back to our dorms and sleep for the rest of the night.

In the morning we're in for a surprise.

We walk outside an realize we've made the biggest mistake of life. Instead of putting toilet paper on first year boys dorms, we accidentally did to the second year boys... Ah f*ck.

As the girls stand in front of the second years boys dorm in pajamas and slippers, the first year boys come out laughing.

I watch as the second year boy I know so well walks out; Alex.

He looks around and then at the girls.

"You girls know, we'll be getting you back!" He calls before walking back into the building.

The girls erupt into chatter.

This can't be good.

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