"Hey Beautiful" - Chapter 2

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"Hey beautiful," Aspen said with a wide grin, pulling me into a rough hug. We were in a part of the field where no one attended to this season. Only in winter did the primroses bloom.

District 11 was home to agriculture. I loved it honestly. The routine, the planting, I loved it all. Aspen hated it. But he worked hard. He had to.

"Don't call me that," I said, leaning into his touch. He smelled like plants and I delighted in the scent.

"How was your day?" he said gruffly into my ear, kissing its lobe, which caused me to shiver. He enjoyed my reaction, doing it again.

"It was okay. Mom's not letting go of this tribute thing," I told him. We laid down in the field him wrapping a shoulder loosely around me, smoothing down my hair. The soil made space for us as we looked up at the bright blue sky.

"Mer," Aspen started, using the nickname that made my heart race. "I don't know. If anyone in this entire district could win, it would be you. If strawberry tarts were on the line." He said with a wink, his handsome features lighting up.

"Aspen," I whined, playfully hitting him on the arm.

"Do you really want me to tell you what I think?"

"That is what I've been asking for," I replied before giving him a peck on his lips. I ran my hand through his medium length hair, looking deep into his emerald eyes. He was so handsome.

"Honestly, I don't think you should do this, Mer. We can find money in other ways, we can do other things!"

"Aspen, we're barely surviving. Gerad and May are only getting older, which means more food, different shoe sizes, everything. My mom is getting tired, Aspen, she's getting so tired." I let all of my worries leak out of me, leaving me feeling hollow inside.

"Hey, hey," he assured, pulling me closer. I felt so safe in his arms. "I'll handle it. I'll take care of you, Mer." He kissed my forward, his soft lips caressing the spot.

"I love you, Aspen," I said.

"I love you too."

May and I were in our room, her drawing on a piece of paper. She loved making art. Just like Dad.

"I'm scared," May said quietly, still sketching. I moved over to her bed sitting on the edge.

"That looks very beautiful." She was drawing a very unique bird that I couldn't stare away from. She was so good. I was a little envious.

"What if I get picked? Or you? Or Aspen? Or Kamber? Or-" she rattled before I cut her off.

"May, that's not going to happen. Trust me."

She looked me in the eye and her vivacious energy returned to her. She was like a rubber band. Things could knock her down but she would always get back up. My resilient little sister. "I met this cute boy today."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her and we talked for most of the night. We always did this before the selection. She fell asleep so I gently detached myself from her bed and fell into my own.

I still didn't know what to do. I was terrible at fighting but I had a lot of spirit. And it could really help Mom. But I could die. And Aspen. I didn't think I could survive a day mentally without seeing him. He talked about us getting married the other day which only made me fall more in love.

I thought on this for hours before reaching a question that stuck out. What would Dad do?

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