The Roof - Chapter 7

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It turned out that we couldn't go to the Capital. We had to stay in the compound. That did not end Maxon's attempts though.

"How about the lounge? That might be - something," Maxon said, clearly flustered. He kept running his hands through his hair.

"Relax, Maxon," I said, drawing the word out. I pulled on his arm playfully and he happily followed me. "Me and Carter found something yesterday. Come on." We raced each other the rest of the way.

"You're fast," Maxon said, a little breathless. I opened the door with a laugh and we entered the balcony. The darkness in the sky was growing, its clouds gently shifting. I loved when weather was liking this.

"It's beautiful," Maxon commented. The balcony was simple yet wide, a railing running along its side. It was daring, it was questioning. Do you hate the Games enough to jump?

"What's wrong?" Maxon asked. We had moved to the railing, looking to the city below. The Capital was so different from District 11. Bright even at night. It was ridiculous.

"What was that?" I realized I said that last part out loud.

"It's ridiculous! People are literally dying from starvation everyday but they can only get that from pulling this crap!"


"The Capital! Your precious district! They want people to die for fun. That's sick, Maxon. I like you and all but that's sick."

He mulled over my angry words for a while, moving to sit on the rail.

"Be careful," I muttered.

He nodded slowly before shaking his head. "I know it's sick. Just because I trained for it, doesn't mean I agree with it. It's my father." He chuckled heartlessly before continuing. "He is so stubborn about the Games. I told him we should get rid of it a million times but he said no." Maxon was getting frustrated.

How could he have control over that, I thought. "Who's your Dad?"

"You don't know?" he asked with a bitter smile. "President Clarkson.

**How will America react?**

**Am I getting America and Maxon's beginning of their relationship right? This is my first fanfic and I want to make sure that these are the same characters you guys fell in love with but slightly altered in a different world**

**Thank you for reading this!!**

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