America Tells Aspen - Chapter 11

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Strong arms pulled me into a rough embrace. I didn't even have to look at his face to know it was him. He was so familiar. His scent of homemade soap, his aura.

"I'm here, Mer. Everything's going to be okay," he said hushiedly into my ear. We released from our embrace but he still gripped my hand. It was his lifeline.

"Aspen, I love you so much," I said, breathlessly. He was here. He was here. I slapped him on his arm, angry. "Aspen, what is wrong with you? You could die here." Tears brimmed in my eyes, my voice hitching. "You can't die."

He pulled me into another hug. "Mer, I'm not going to die. They're going to announce it tomorrow. Since there are more tributes, two people get to survive. After I found out, I couldn't get here fast enough." His emerald eyes shone with passion. "We're going to make it out of here alive. I promise."

I fell into him, the warmth of his body. I loved him so much. I had to tell him about Maxon. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. He deserved that. And so much more.

It was sad. Minus Celeste, that room was filled with such amazing people. Marlee, Carter, Aspen, Maxon. And in a weeks time, we would be fighting to the death, just trying to survive. But wasn't that just life?

I took Aspen to my room. He was yearning to be alone but I had to talk to him about Maxon first. Before I could do that, I was shoved against the door, Aspen's hands wrapped intently around my waist.

"I missed you so much." He kissed my ear then traced it with his finger. He buried himself in my neck, nuzzling and kissing it. My breath got caught in my throat and I was starting to lose all sense of calm. "I missed you so much," he repeated.

He picked me up and placed me softly on the bed. I was laying on it while he sat on its edge. Aspen's left hand rubbed lazily up and down my body, his eyes intent on my face.

"Aspen, I-"

He silenced me with a kiss. It was much different from Maxon's. His was hungry, demanding, and all consuming. I could hardly think of anything else with his lips on mine.

"You're gorgeous." When he said it, I almost believed it.

"I still can't believe you're here," I whispered, pressing my lips to his beautiful features. He showered in the affection, closing his eyes.

"Neither can I."

We kept kissing for awhile before I remembered my original purpose.

"Wait, wait," I said, halting him. We had never been truly alone for this long. In the field, we would always have to go to work or May would find us. At our own houses, kids and nosy mothers were always bustling around. Here, it was just us. "Aspen, I have to tell you something."

He gazed into my eyes, the bright emeralds searching. "You can tell me anything, America, anything."

"I kissed someone," I blurted out.

I watched the hurt fill him. He leaned back so that he was sitting upright on the bed. He looked defeated. "Why?" he croaked. He was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry. I was missing you like crazy and he kissed me and I kissed him back. I stopped it but I still kissed him back." I was so nervous. And scared. What if this was the end of me and Aspen? What if he came all this way and things didn't work out?

He was holding his face in his hands. "America, if I knew I couldn't leave you for one second, I wouldn't have done it. I should have volunteered then. Why was I so stupid?" He kicked the table after he had stood up, shaking his head aggressively. I didn't like it when he got angry.

"Aspen, that doesn't make sense. This has nothing to do with you. I messed up." I played with my hands in my lap for awhile. "I messed up."

He got down on his knees, gently grabbing my face. "This hurts me more than you could possibly know. But we are in the most messed up place on Earth right now. Besides Gerad's bedroom." I laughed, causing him to almost smirk. His room really was a mess. "You are a week away from your possible death, of course you're going to want to feel loved. And I wasn't there for you. It sucks that you kissed someone so quickly or that you kissed someone at all, but we'll get through this. We've been through everything."

It was true. When my father died, when his father died. The time his little brother, Jemmy, got whipped by the Peacekeepers. May's first date disaster. We had been there for each other, every day, every second of our available time.

"How could you forgive me so easily?" I whispered. I was still too emotional to speak at a normal volume.

"I haven't forgiven you but I can't be that upset. This is a tough situation. But you're America Singer and I'm Aspen Leger. Nothing else matters besides that."

I smoothed down his hair, still in shock. "What have I done to deserve you?"

"Nothing. But you got me anyway," he stated. He finally laid on the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He brought his mouth to my ear. "I'll never let you go again."

Everything was peaceful. Except that I could still feel the faint echo of Maxon's lips on my own.

**Were you surprised Aspen wasn't that upset?**

**Will America fully forget about Maxon?**

**What will happen at the Opening Ceremony or Tribute Parade?**

**Guys, thank you so much for reading this fanfic. I am honestly blown away by you guys comments and votes. Thank you so much. You give me the fire to continue doing this. You are awesome.**

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