The Break-Up - Chapter 17

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I had to talk to Maxon first. Gavril explained that two people would survive this year's Games, much to the surprise of everyone. Even the final ten tributes. They were good actors. The broadcast cut out and I dragged Maxon to the building's lobby.

"America, let me explain," he debated, us standing in the corner.

"Explain what, Maxon? Why would you tell everyone that?" I asked heatedly.

"America, please relax."


"Fine," he huffed. He ran his hand through his hair. "Well, since we were thinking about becoming an alliance, I figured this would be my only way to help out. District 1 has some of the richest citizens in Panem. If I could convince them I had some kind of romantic connection with you, we would get more sponsorships."

My anger diffused. "Oh. Thank you. For doing that."

He smiled. "Of course."

"So you didn't mean what you said?" I had to know.

"Does it matter? Go find Aspen Leger. He needs you." With a sad smile, he left.

Does it matter? Of course it matters. I walked to Aspen's room, knocking on the door. He opened it. His eyes were rimshot.

"Aspen, he just said that so we could get sponsorships. It wasn't real. And I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I got you in this mess, I'm sorry I kissed Maxon, all of it. I don't deserve you. I'm so sorry." My tears were free flowing now, unable to stop them.

His gruff fingers wiped my tears with deliberation though he was still at a distance. "You promise it was just for the sponsorships?" I nodded, still not capable of speech. He took a step back, putting his face in his hands before growling.

"No, I don't think I can do this, Mer! Everytime I kiss you, I think of him doing the same. And you still hang out with him! Then he proclaims his love for you on television, what am I supposed to do? He's the President's son, Mer. He can give you everything. What can I give you? What can I give you?" He was genuinely asking.

"You!" I replied. "You give me you and that is all I need-"

"Is it? Then how come it only takes a week for someone to take you away?" He wiped at his own eyes, his voice choked with emotion. "If you loved me, it wouldn't be that easy."

"He didn't take me away, I'm right here!"

"Who did you talk to first? Me or him?"

"Him but I was just angry!"

"No! No! You want him more than me." His voice dropped in volume. "I thought I could do this but I can't." He began closing the door but I held it open.

"Please, Aspen...what about the Games?" I was desperate, clawing for anyway to keep our world together.

He shook his head and closed the door, leaving me alone in the hallway. I sat in the floor, huddling myself into a ball. I couldn't stop crying. Aspen was my world, he was my everything. I still remember the first time we kissed. It was after May's birthday. He had helped us with everything, the balloons, singing to her. He was there through it all. I walked him outside and he kissed me. He pulled me close, delicately nuzzling my nose before kissing me. I had never been so happy.

Now, I was outside his door crying. I quickly forgot that tomorrow the horror would begin. To me, the horror had already begun.

**Do you think Maxon's idea was smart or inconsiderate?**

**Team Asperica do not give up. This is not the end. And do you agree with Aspen's reasons? Also, what do you think his secret is now?**

**Thank you guys for reading!! You are awesome and I am so grateful for you guys whenever I think about you. Thank you.**

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