The Reaping - Chapter Three

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Everyone in the district was at The Reaping. The somber energy of the people was in heavy contrast to Gavril Fadaye. He was the handsome capital interviewer, the cover of magazines. His multi colored hair matched his personality as he bubbled onto the stage.

My hand was clasped in Aspen's while I forced Gerad to hold still with the other. He still didn't fully understand the Reaping but he knew that it was serious. Mom was trying to relax May, the few grays in her hair standing out.

I knew what I was going to do. I was going to volunteer as tribute. I couldn't tell Aspen though. He would be so upset. But I had to take care of my family. Nothing, not even he, could get in the way of that. I clinged to his hand tighter. This was could be the last time I felt him again. This could be the last time I felt safe.

"Welcome to this year's reaping. Can I get some excitement, District 11?" Gavril yelled, amplifying his voice. To no one's surprise, there was no sound at all.

Gavril pouted. "Really, no excitement at all? Well, anyway, let's not waste time. Let's call our first female tribute." He did a fake drumroll and pulled out a name.

"America Singer," he proclaimed.

Aspen released my hand, lips parted. May immediately began to cry and Gerad looked around in confusion. Even the corners of my mother's eyes were liquidated now.

"Don't have regrets now, Mom. It's a little too late for that." We all laughed, the tension receding into the background.

I meant that. She shouldn't have regrets. I was going to fight. I would give it my all. For my family. For Aspen. For me.

"The male tribute," Gavril began, that brilliant manicured smile still on his face. "Carter Woodwork."

I could hear his mother wailing and I turned to look at them. Carter, a tall and lean blonde man, was whispering in his mother's ear while his siblings crowded in tears around them. I pulled May closer, her still fighting sobs. I shushed her gently while I stared at Carter. I wish'd I could volunteered for him.

The ceremony ended and so did May's tears. We all headed home, an air of despair covering our walk. Mom was walking, Gerad was God knows where, and May was locked in her bedroom. Aspen and I sat in the living room, only a half wall away from Mom.

"I wasn't expecting this from May," I stated, us cuddled on the couch, him rubbing my shoulder up and down.

He was still in shock that I had gotten picked. It was evident in his posture and his eyes. "She's tough. She'll get through it."

I positioned my body, pressing my hand on his chest. "Will you?"

He chuckled before capturing my lips. "That's my America. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"How bout I take you to the treehouse later and I will show how sure I am?" His eyebrows raised in mischief and I couldn't help but smile. We would be okay. He got up to help my mom prep and I walked to my bedroom.

"Hey," I said lamely.

May was laying on her bed with a pillow shoved underneath her face. I detached the pillow from her which caused her to sit up.

"Are you okay?" I asked timidly, making random lines on her sheets.

"Yeah, I've been better," May joked, our humorless laughs lightened the room.

"You know, no matter how much I'll hate it, I'm going to be on television. I'll be able to wear all these cool outfits and everything."

If there was anything May loved it would be fashion. And boys. Lots of boys. She started to bounce excitedly on the bed, her expression pure elation.

"Oh my god! I didn't even think of that! You'll look incredible. They even made Kota look good." We laughed truthfully this time and we took a quick nap on her bed. 

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