Tribute Interviews Pt. 2 - Chapter 16

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"America Singer."

Me? He was talking about me? Where was Aspen? I avoided all the looks everyone was shooting me, simply searching for Aspen. This was already too much.

"No wonder you got such a high score," Celeste spat at me with venom from across the room.

"Don't be mad because you were put in the friend zone," I shot back. I was so sick of her crap.

Carter looked back and forth between us, unsure of what to do. Marlee was giving me sympathetic smiles and the rest of the tributes were gossiping among themselves. I didn't catch the rest of Maxon's interview and next was Celeste who gravitated the audience's attention with her, uh, flirtatious banter with Gavril.

The rest of the interviews blended together until Silvia was calling my name. I walked onto the stage, almost tripping. This dress was hard to walk in.

Gavril turned his radiant smile on me, twisting in his chair. I sat in the one opposite of him, sinking in the luxurious material. The lights glared in my eye as my interview began.

"Well, America, we've heard a lot about you tonight. A penny for your thoughts?" he asked, a funny expression on his face. It was a combination of confusion, interest, and fear.

"I've been learning along with you so no thoughts on that," I stated, crossing my arms in my lap.

"No thoughts? Is this the smart, funny, life changing woman we've been hearing about?"

I shrugged, attempting my best smile. "I don't know, Gavril. It really depends on your definition."

Gavril cocked an eyebrow. "Definitions? That sounds pretty smart to me. What's also smart is your training score. You were ranked third among the rest of your tributes, even though you are from one of the lower districts. Does this have anything to do with your relationship with Maxon?"

"Of course not!"

"Oh," Gavril reacted before grinning. "The girl with red hair has some fire. And a beautiful dress, who made it?"

"Anne, Mary, and Lucy have created all of my outfits. They are amazing designers and the three best human beings you could possibly meet."

"I won't fight you on that. Now, America. You and add in, Aspen Leger, created quite a stir around the Capital. Care to explain?" he instigated.

I laughed, shaking my head and smoothing out my dress. "Not particularly."

He waited a couple of moments before guffawing. "We got some personality this year. It puts me on edge. One of you is coming for my job," he said with a deft wink. "Now America, your brother Kota was a Games winner. Does that give you an advantage?"

"No, I don't believe so. And if I make it out of here alive, I will surely put an application in."

"Ah, I knew it, I knew it," he exclaimed. "We have one more interview and then we are telling you about one more big change to the Games this year. Stay tuned."

His gold lapel caught the light. It was a bird. It reminded me of the one May drew the day before the Reaping. I stood up, shaking hands with the man then headed to where all the other tributes where standing. I shot Maxon an angry look and he mouthed to me "Later."

He had a lot to explain. Aspen was coming out and I cheered as much as I could, whistling and hooting. My Aspen was going on stage. Well, he might not be my Aspen anymore.

Aspen sat in the chair comfortably, trying his best to smile. His eyes had more makeup on them then they had before.

"Hello, Aspen Leger. How's your day going?" Gavril asked.

His eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. "I've been better. How about you?"

"Me?" he replied surprised. "I'm doing fairly well, thank you. Now, Aspen, you came in the final ten of tributes does that put you at a disadvantage."

"In some ways, yes." He sounded very constrained.

"In what ways is that, sir?" Gavril pressed.

"Well, Gavril...can I call you Gavril?"

Gavril laughed, nodding.

"Well, Gavril, when you love someone your whole life." He swallowed hard before continuing. "It's very hard to say goodbye to them. And it's especially hard when they might be falling in love with someone else."

Aspen. I had never seen him in so much pain. It took all of my willpower to not run up there and hug him. But that probably wouldn't help this situation. I wasn't falling in love with Maxon. Is that what he thought? Is that what I thought? I shook the confusing thoughts out of my head, focusing on the interview.

Gavril's sigh synchronized with the audience. "Are you, by any chance, talking about America Singer?"

He closed his eyes then nodded. I'm sorry, I thought. I'm sorry for kissing Maxon but please don't cry over me. Please. I felt tears biting at my own eyes but I pushed them away. Anne told me to be a lady. Ladies are strong. I couldn't let her down.

"Aspen, let me tell you something son. I was once in love. I was. And if there was one thing I learned: don't let it go. If you have a love, fight for it."

Aspen's eyes glistened with determination. "I don't know what I would do otherwise."

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