Chapter 10

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Kate's P.O.V

The weeks have flown by, like sands through the hourglass; so are the Days of Our Lives. Performing on X Factor and seeing the boys almost every day has been amazing. We have all grown very close and I just wonder what will happen when the X-Factor is over and we move back to Melbourne...Will our friendships remain, or simply dissapate into the air, never to be revisited?

I don't let these negative thoughts crush my high though. Tonight is the semi-finals and the girls and I are so pumped for the show. We are performing a song chosen by our amazing mentor, Cher Lloyd. Cher has been so understanding of us as a band; she knows exactly what type of music we want to make and what sort of artist we want to become and is helpings us every step of the journey.

The girls and I walk into hair and makeup and see the 5sos boys already getting theirs done (even though the don't need it at all!)

"What are you guys doing here?" Grace asks shocked.

"We are the live performance." Michael says, walking over and pecking Georgia on the lips. "Did we forget to tell you?" he asks smirking.

"Mustve slipped our minds" Ashton says chuckling

Before our conversation can go any further the boys are escorted from the room and taken into the dressing rooms. They all yell "Bye's" and "Good Lucks" as they leave, Michael giving Georgia another quick kiss. We all coo at the lovebirds and Georgia rolls her eyes. 

Once our hair is all straightened and spritzed and silver makeup is applied liberally we leave the room to get dressed. The outfits picked out for Cher's chosen song are tight shiny silver mini-skirts. These are matched with cropped black tops and choker necklaces. I must say, we look H.O.T.

We are called to side stage and told we are on in 5. I grab the girls and hold them in a group huddle, our arms slung around each other's waists. 

"Okay girls, this is the semi-finals. We're so close the end, and yet so far. We'd better step up our game if we want to win this thing." I say looking at each of them in turn.

Grace laughs, "Jeez Kate, your inspirational speeches just keep getting better and better." she says sarcasm laced in her voice.

I roll my eyes and we all head out onto the stage.

The audience cry our names and clap loudly, roaring with excitement. It takes a minute or two for them to quieten down, and we bask in their adoration.

"So girls, how you feelin'?" Red Foo asks, his afro shaking wildly.

"Nervous as always, but really pumped." Georgia replies and we all nod in agreement.

"I'm so proud of these girls and the effort they have put into their song this week. They're spunky and swaggy and they're on the way to superstardom!" Cher says, "The song I have chosen is Ed Sheeran's Sing! Introducing, the Eleventh Hour!" she cries.

The music begins to play and Georgia strums her guitar in time with the beat.

"It's late in the evening

Glass on the side

I've been sat with you

For most of the night

Ignoring everybody here

We wish they would disappear

So maybe we could get down now

I don't wanna know

If you're getting ahead of the program

I want you to be mine, lady

Key To My Heart; a 5sos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now