Chapter 20

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Grace's P.O.V

Two weeks fly by, full of concerts, fans and, of course, 5SOS.

I have learnt that these four boys are serious jokers. They pull pranks on us, on and off the stage. I am constantly under seige from Ashton in particular. We have forgotten our hate for each other and, to be honest, I don't even know why I hated such a kind boy in the first place.

I wake up and go to move out of my bunk that I have stolen from Ashton as we are still sharing the boys bus. I flop out of bed, and shuffle into the small bathroom. I flick on the light and let out the most horriffic scream known to man as I stare at myself in the mirror. I have a monobrow!

I rush to the sink, grabbing my make-up remover and try to scrub it off, to no avail.

My face is bright red and I think I have scrubbed off several layers of skin, and yet the thick black eyebrow is still there. I let out a blood curdling scream in frustration. 

I rush out of the bathroom and out the door, ready to punch the culprit in his sorry face.

I rip the douvet off Ashton where he is sleeping on a makeshift bed on the floor beside the bunks and he lays there, his top half naked.

I am too angry to oggle at his bare toned chest and I glare menacingly into his eyes.

"What the hell Grace!?!" Ashton yells grumpily, trying to rip the blanket back from me.

"What the hell did you do to me!?" I screech, my eyes boring into his.

A cheeky grin lights up his face as he bursts into a fit of laughter. "Hot." He says, waggling his eyebrows.

"Don't laugh you friggin' dickhead! How do I get it off?" I yell, completely outraged.

"You... can't" Ashton manages, between giggles.

I let out an almighty groan. "Well, you'd better watch out, karma's a bitch!" I yell, before making my way into the living room, where Tallulah and Kate are staring at me wide-eyed.

They start giggling and I march past them into the kitchen, grabbing some toast.

I'm so thankful that we don't have a show tonight, although we do have sound check in a few hours.

Georgia plods into the kitchen, still half-asleep.

"Hi.." she mumbles, and I grunt in response.

She turns to face me and her eyes widen as she stares at my face, a small smile appears on her lips. I stare back at her, unimpressed.

"Ashton?" she asks simply.

I nod.

She gives me a wink before walking out of the kitchen and into the small communal bathroom.

Minutes later she returns with a washcloth and some clear liquid.

I shoot her a confused look and she pours some of the liquid onto the cloth, walking over to me.

"This might sting a little, but it should work." Georgia says, lifting the cloth to my monobrow.

She begins to rub vigorously and I wince from the sharp stinging between my eyes. 

"Ow!" I protest, but she bats my hands away. 

Soon enough the cloth is black and the monobrow is no more.

"All done." Georgia grumbles, still evidently tired.

"Thanks, Georgie-Porgy." I say, pulling her in for a quick hug before she walks back to the bunk she shares with Michael.

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