Chapter 22

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Harry's P.O.V

Ashton leaves the room and I frown, not knowing what's gotten into him. He storms down the hallways and I can tell he is angry, but I don't run after him like I should to see what's wrong. Instead I stay and continue flirting with Grace. Something about her is just so intruiging, mesmerising, I feel myself inexplicably drawn to her.

Damn, that girl is fine.

"Hey, let's do something." I whisper in her ear, eager to end tonight with Grace making me feel alive, even if it's only for a night.

"Like what?" she giggles.

I think for a moment of a subtle way to begin making my way into her pants.

"Let's play spin the bottle." I propose, a cheeky grin lighting up my face.

She smirks.


We walk over to the others, who are mingling.

"Who wants to play spin the bottle?" I ask casually.

The others turn to face us.

"I'm in." Luke says, glancing at the blonde girl who I think is called Tallulah.

"We're in!" Zayn, Liam and Louis all chime and soon enough everyone is sitting in a circle, ready to begin the game.

I take a seat next to Michael and Grace sits opposite me. I tear my eyes away from her and quickly glance around, searching for Ashton. 

He isn't here.

Against my better judgement, I don't go searching for my friend and begin the game.

Calum offers to go first and spins the bottle. It spins and spins until it lands on Liam. 

We all laugh as Calum craws sexually over to Liam and kisses his cheek, Liam pretending to be flustered.

The game continues, everyone just kissing on the cheek, or corners of the mouth. It seems like no one is getting who they want, Luke doesn't spin Tallulah, Mikey doesn't spin Georgia and I don't spin Grace.

Louis spins and it lands on Grace. She blushes and he leans over, pecking her cheek quickly. 

I know it is nothing, but I feel envy bubble in my belly. 

Grace takes the bottle and spins it carefully. The bottle spins, as does the contents of my stomach as I await the verdict. Will my lips, blushing pilgrims, be blessed with the caress of her sweet, soft once this evening?

I watch as it slowly comes to a halt, landing on me.

I smirk and look up at Grace who is grinning at me.

She stands up and walks over to me slowly. I keep my eyes connected with her hazel ones as she comes closer and closer until her face is centimetres from mine.

I take a deep breath as she leans in agonizingly slow. I feel her shaky breaths on my lips and close the last few millimetres.

I press my lips firmly against hers, and she returns the same pressure. Her lips part slightly and I move mine in sync with hers. My teeth graze over her bottom lip and she smiles slightly. 

I hear a cough from next to me, but don't stop. I kiss her harder until I hear a whimper from the door, my eyes open and I see Ashton standing in the doorway, his face contorted with anger and overwhelming sadness. 

He spins around and storms off and I pull away from the kiss.

We had kissed for what seems like hours, but in reality was only a few seconds. 

Key To My Heart; a 5sos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now