Chapter 17

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Grace's P.O.V

I walk out of the room, Ashton's boxers in hand. I stand at the entrance to the kitchen where Ashton is making a sandwich and let the underpants drop on the floor from between my thumb and forefinger. They land with a soft thump, garnering the attention of the offending owner.

He lifts his head, an eyebrow cocked in a way that grates at my very core.

"Hey, sexy." he says cockily, "What's bothering you?"

I flick his undies up at him with my foot and they fall on his broad shoulder.

"Is this some way of asking for sex?" Ashton asks, lifting the American apparel underwear from his shoulder, sending me a sly smile.

"Eugh, you wish." I say, a look of pure disgust contorting my face. "I came to tell you to start picking up your freaking underwear instead of leaving it all over the floor where I have to unfortunately sleep!" I say enraged. "It's fucking disgusting, you filthy bastard!"

He giggles and I scoff in fury. This situation may be slightly humorous, but not when you're the one waking up with a pair of stinky, soiled, dirty, cum-covered underpants beside your face!

"This isn't funny!" I yell at him, my eyes boring into his.

"Okay, okay! I promise I won't do it again." he resigns, holding his hands up in defence.

I let out a satisfied sigh and huff in approval. I spin on my heel, strutting back to the cluttered living room where the girls are sitting watching a movie.

He follows me in and plonks down next to me on the couch. I frown and try to scootch as far away from him as possible, completely annoyed with him.

"You know, it's not like you don't do anything bad." Ashton leans over and mumbles angrily,

"Oh really? And what exactly is it that I do that's worse than leaving your dirty undies on the floor?" I retort sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"You're always leaving your make-up all over the bathroom." Ashton says lifting a finger, "And you take hours in the shower" he says raising another long finger. "You leave your socks and shit all over my bunk" he says, lifting another finger.

He continues his list until all ten fingers are being held up. My face is beetroot red and I am fury itself.

I stand up suddenly and march to the bunks, picking up the first thing I see.

I lift up Ashton's prized red bandana.

"What are you doing?" Ashton yells angrily, marching behind me.

I dangle the bandana in front of his face teasingly. He tries to grab the bandana but I snatch it away out of his reach.

"You think you're so perfect, huh? That I'm the annoying one? Well, I might be a bitch sometimes but at least I'm not as much of a douche as you! You'e irritating and immature and you think you're so fucking great! Well, I've got news for you, bucko- your bandanas look stupid!" I spit, facing him.

He looks shocked, angry and horny all at once.

"You take that back!" He roars.

I rip open the window to the bus and chuck out the bandana. We watch as it flies away in the breeze, a floating luftballon. I smile smugly and cross my arms is satisfaction, waiting for Ashton's reaction.

"YOU BITCH!" Ash yells, shoving me out the way as he races to my makeshift bed on the floor.

He picks up my stuffed bunny, a present from my now dead parents. I gasp and watch in horror as Ashton throws it out the window.

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